빈 전투 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "빈 전투" in Korean language version.

Global rank Korean rank
3rd place
9th place
2,106th place
low place
2,975th place
4,915th place
6th place
18th place





  • Bruce Alan Masters, Gábor Ágoston: Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, Infobase Publishing, 2009, ISBN 1-4381-1025-1, 584.


  • Leitsch, Walter (July 1983). “1683: The Siege of Vienna”. 《History Today》 33 (7). 2014년 12월 19일에 확인함. The defeat of the Ottoman Army outside the gates of Vienna 300 years ago is usually regarded as the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire. But Walter Leitsch ask whether it was such a turning point in the history of Europe? ... However, it marks a turning point: not only was further Ottoman advance on Christian territories stopped, but in the following war that lasted up to 1698 almost all of Hungary was reconquered by the army of Emperor Leopold I. From 1683 the Ottoman Turks ceased to be a menace to the Christian world. ... The battle of Vienna was a turning point in one further respect: the success was due to the co-operation between the troops of the Emperor, some Imperial princes and the Poles. ... However the co-operation between the two non-maritime neighbours of the Ottoman Empire in Europe, the Emperor and Poland, was something new. ... Walter Leitsch is Professor of East European History and Director of the Institute of East and Southeast European Research at the University of Vienna.