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Brennecke, Julia (June 2020). “Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues”. 《Academy of Management Journal》 63 (3): 743–778. doi:10.5465/amj.2017.0399. OCLC8163488129.
Hagen, Loni; Keller, Thomas; Neely, Stephen; DePaula, Nic; Robert-Cooperman, Claudia (October 2018). “Crisis Communications in the Age of Social Media: A Network Analysis of Zika-Related Tweets”. 《Social Science Computer Review》 36 (5): 523–541. doi:10.1177/0894439317721985. OCLC7323548177.
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Brennecke, Julia (June 2020). “Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues”. 《Academy of Management Journal》 63 (3): 743–778. doi:10.5465/amj.2017.0399. OCLC8163488129.
Harris, Jenine K.; Luke, Douglas A.; Zuckerman, Rachael B.; Shelton, Sarah C. (June 2009). “Forty Years of Secondhand Smoke Research”. 《American Journal of Preventive Medicine》 36 (6): 538–548. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.01.039. OCLC6980180781. PMID19372026.
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Brennecke, Julia (June 2020). “Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues”. 《Academy of Management Journal》 63 (3): 743–778. doi:10.5465/amj.2017.0399. OCLC8163488129.
Ghanbarnejad, Fakhteh; Saha Roy, Rishiraj; Karimi, Fariba; Delvenne, Jean-Charles; Mitra, Bivas (2019). 《Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks III Machine Learning and Statistical Physics Approaches》. Cham: Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer. ISBN9783030146832. OCLC1115074203.[쪽 번호 필요]
《Social network differences of chronotypes identified from mobile phone data》. 2018. OCLC1062367169.[쪽 번호 필요]
《Social network differences of chronotypes identified from mobile phone data》. 2018. OCLC1062367169.[쪽 번호 필요]