In "Fidel Castro: o: biografía a dos voces (a two-voiced biography), pub. Debate Publishing House ISBN 0-307-37653-2, the Cuban president told Ignacio Ramonet that he told Hugo Chávez: "Don't kill yourself, Hugo. Don't do (sic) like Allende, who was a man alone. You have most of the Army on your side. Don't quit, don't resign." [2]Archived 2007년 9월 29일 - 웨이백 머신
채, 인택 (2019년 12월 1일). “[이코노미스트] 남미 좌우파 정권 치열한 대립 양상”. 《중앙일보》. 2021년 6월 27일에 확인함. 칠레는 1970년 살바도르 아옌데(1970~1973년)가 대통령에 당선하면서 남미에서 민주선거로 집권한 첫 좌파 정권을 수립했지만 1973년 아우구스토 피노체트(73~81 군사정권, 81~89 권위주의 민간정부 대통령)가 쿠데타로 이를 전복했다.
James Whelan, Out of the Ashes: The Life, Death and Transfiguration of Democracy in Chile (Washington: Regnery Gateway, 1989), 511-512 and 519-520.[1]
In "Fidel Castro: o: biografía a dos voces (a two-voiced biography), pub. Debate Publishing House ISBN 0-307-37653-2, the Cuban president told Ignacio Ramonet that he told Hugo Chávez: "Don't kill yourself, Hugo. Don't do (sic) like Allende, who was a man alone. You have most of the Army on your side. Don't quit, don't resign." [2]Archived 2007년 9월 29일 - 웨이백 머신
In "Fidel Castro: o: biografía a dos voces (a two-voiced biography), pub. Debate Publishing House ISBN 0-307-37653-2, the Cuban president told Ignacio Ramonet that he told Hugo Chávez: "Don't kill yourself, Hugo. Don't do (sic) like Allende, who was a man alone. You have most of the Army on your side. Don't quit, don't resign." [2]Archived 2007년 9월 29일 - 웨이백 머신