Hechtman, Lily (2009년 2월 8일). 〈ADHD in Adults〉. Brown, Thomas E. 《ADHD Comorbidities: Handbook for ADHD Complications in Children and Adults》 1판. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. 87쪽. ISBN9781585628339. OCLC701833161.
Rettew DC, Hudziak JJ (2009). 〈Genetics of ADHD〉. Brown TE. 《ADHD Comorbidities: Handbook for ADHD Complications in Children and Adults》 1판. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. 32쪽. ISBN978-1-58562-158-3. OCLC244601824.
Stanford C, Tannock R (2012년 2월 29일). 《Behavioral Neurobiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Its Treatment》. Springer. 10–쪽. ISBN978-3-642-24611-1.
Ryan N, McDougall T (2009). 《Nursing Children and Young People with ADHD》. Taylor & Francis. 6쪽. ISBN9781134052196.
Zametkin AJ, Nordahl TE, Gross M, King AC, Semple WE, Rumsey J, 외. (November 1990). “Cerebral glucose metabolism in adults with hyperactivity of childhood onset”. 《The New England Journal of Medicine》 323 (20): 1361–6. doi:10.1056/nejm199011153232001. PMID2233902.
Kooij JJ, Bijlenga D, Salerno L, Jaeschke R, Bitter I, Balázs J, 외. (February 2019). “Updated European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD”. 《European Psychiatry》 56: 14–34. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.11.001. PMID30453134.
Bjerrum MB, Pedersen PU, Larsen P (April 2017). “Living with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood: a systematic review of qualitative evidence”. 《JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports》 15 (4): 1080–1153. doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003357. PMID28398986. S2CID35553368.
Katragadda S, Schubiner H (June 2007). “ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults”. 《Primary Care》 34 (2): 317–41; abstract viii. doi:10.1016/j.pop.2007.04.012. PMID17666230.
Eden GF, Vaidya CJ (December 2008). “ADHD and developmental dyslexia: two pathways leading to impaired learning”. 《Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences》 1145: 316–27. doi:10.1196/annals.1416.022. PMID19076406. S2CID45481868.
McKeague L, Hennessy E, O'Driscoll C, Heary C (June 2015). “Retrospective accounts of self-stigma experienced by young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or depression”. 《Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal》 38 (2): 158–163. doi:10.1037/prj0000121. PMID25799297.
Madras BK, Miller GM, Fischman AJ (March 2002). “The dopamine transporter: relevance to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”. 《Behavioural Brain Research》 130 (1–2): 57–63. doi:10.1016/S0166-4328(01)00439-9. PMID11864718. S2CID6512707.
Bannon MJ (May 2005). “The dopamine transporter: role in neurotoxicity and human disease”. 《Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology》 204 (3): 355–60. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2004.08.013. PMID15845424.
Kim S, Liu Z, Glizer D, Tannock R, Woltering S (August 2014). “Adult ADHD and working memory: neural evidence of impaired encoding”. 《Clinical Neurophysiology》 125 (8): 1596–603. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2013.12.094. PMID24411642. S2CID25814844.
Missonnier P, Hasler R, Perroud N, Herrmann FR, Millet P, Richiardi J, 외. (June 2013). “EEG anomalies in adult ADHD subjects performing a working memory task”. 《Neuroscience》 241: 135–46. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.03.011. PMID23518223. S2CID937794.
Retz W, Retz-Junginger P, Thome J, Rösler M (September 2011). “Pharmacological treatment of adult ADHD in Europe”. 《The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry》. 12 Suppl 1: 89–94. doi:10.3109/15622975.2011.603229. PMID21906003. S2CID34871481.
Godfrey J (March 2009). “Safety of therapeutic methylphenidate in adults: a systematic review of the evidence”. 《Journal of Psychopharmacology》 23 (2): 194–205. doi:10.1177/0269881108089809. PMID18515459. S2CID5390805.
Verbeeck W, Tuinier S, Bekkering GE (February 2009). “Antidepressants in the treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review”. 《Advances in Therapy》 26 (2): 170–84. doi:10.1007/s12325-009-0008-7. PMID19238340. S2CID5975939.
Rösler M, Casas M, Konofal E, Buitelaar J (August 2010). “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults”. 《The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry》 11 (5): 684–98. doi:10.3109/15622975.2010.483249. PMID20521876. S2CID25802733.
Fayyad J, De Graaf R, Kessler R, Alonso J, Angermeyer M, Demyttenaere K, 외. (May 2007). “Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder”. 《The British Journal of Psychiatry》 190 (5): 402–9. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.106.034389. PMID17470954.
Zametkin AJ, Nordahl TE, Gross M, King AC, Semple WE, Rumsey J, 외. (November 1990). “Cerebral glucose metabolism in adults with hyperactivity of childhood onset”. 《The New England Journal of Medicine》 323 (20): 1361–6. doi:10.1056/nejm199011153232001. PMID2233902.
Kooij JJ, Bijlenga D, Salerno L, Jaeschke R, Bitter I, Balázs J, 외. (February 2019). “Updated European Consensus Statement on diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD”. 《European Psychiatry》 56: 14–34. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.11.001. PMID30453134.
Bjerrum MB, Pedersen PU, Larsen P (April 2017). “Living with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood: a systematic review of qualitative evidence”. 《JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports》 15 (4): 1080–1153. doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003357. PMID28398986. S2CID35553368.
Valdizán JR, Izaguerri-Gracia AC (February 2009). “[Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults]” [Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults]. 《Revista de Neurología》 (스페인어). 48 Suppl 2 (Suppl 2): S95–9. PMID19280582.
Katragadda S, Schubiner H (June 2007). “ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults”. 《Primary Care》 34 (2): 317–41; abstract viii. doi:10.1016/j.pop.2007.04.012. PMID17666230.
Eden GF, Vaidya CJ (December 2008). “ADHD and developmental dyslexia: two pathways leading to impaired learning”. 《Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences》 1145: 316–27. doi:10.1196/annals.1416.022. PMID19076406. S2CID45481868.
McKeague L, Hennessy E, O'Driscoll C, Heary C (June 2015). “Retrospective accounts of self-stigma experienced by young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or depression”. 《Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal》 38 (2): 158–163. doi:10.1037/prj0000121. PMID25799297.
Madras BK, Miller GM, Fischman AJ (March 2002). “The dopamine transporter: relevance to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”. 《Behavioural Brain Research》 130 (1–2): 57–63. doi:10.1016/S0166-4328(01)00439-9. PMID11864718. S2CID6512707.
Bannon MJ (May 2005). “The dopamine transporter: role in neurotoxicity and human disease”. 《Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology》 204 (3): 355–60. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2004.08.013. PMID15845424.
Kim S, Liu Z, Glizer D, Tannock R, Woltering S (August 2014). “Adult ADHD and working memory: neural evidence of impaired encoding”. 《Clinical Neurophysiology》 125 (8): 1596–603. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2013.12.094. PMID24411642. S2CID25814844.
Missonnier P, Hasler R, Perroud N, Herrmann FR, Millet P, Richiardi J, 외. (June 2013). “EEG anomalies in adult ADHD subjects performing a working memory task”. 《Neuroscience》 241: 135–46. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.03.011. PMID23518223. S2CID937794.
Retz W, Retz-Junginger P, Thome J, Rösler M (September 2011). “Pharmacological treatment of adult ADHD in Europe”. 《The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry》. 12 Suppl 1: 89–94. doi:10.3109/15622975.2011.603229. PMID21906003. S2CID34871481.
Godfrey J (March 2009). “Safety of therapeutic methylphenidate in adults: a systematic review of the evidence”. 《Journal of Psychopharmacology》 23 (2): 194–205. doi:10.1177/0269881108089809. PMID18515459. S2CID5390805.
Verbeeck W, Tuinier S, Bekkering GE (February 2009). “Antidepressants in the treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review”. 《Advances in Therapy》 26 (2): 170–84. doi:10.1007/s12325-009-0008-7. PMID19238340. S2CID5975939.
Rösler M, Casas M, Konofal E, Buitelaar J (August 2010). “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults”. 《The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry》 11 (5): 684–98. doi:10.3109/15622975.2010.483249. PMID20521876. S2CID25802733.
Fayyad J, De Graaf R, Kessler R, Alonso J, Angermeyer M, Demyttenaere K, 외. (May 2007). “Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder”. 《The British Journal of Psychiatry》 190 (5): 402–9. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.106.034389. PMID17470954.
Bjerrum MB, Pedersen PU, Larsen P (April 2017). “Living with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood: a systematic review of qualitative evidence”. 《JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports》 15 (4): 1080–1153. doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003357. PMID28398986. S2CID35553368.
Eden GF, Vaidya CJ (December 2008). “ADHD and developmental dyslexia: two pathways leading to impaired learning”. 《Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences》 1145: 316–27. doi:10.1196/annals.1416.022. PMID19076406. S2CID45481868.
Madras BK, Miller GM, Fischman AJ (March 2002). “The dopamine transporter: relevance to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”. 《Behavioural Brain Research》 130 (1–2): 57–63. doi:10.1016/S0166-4328(01)00439-9. PMID11864718. S2CID6512707.
Kim S, Liu Z, Glizer D, Tannock R, Woltering S (August 2014). “Adult ADHD and working memory: neural evidence of impaired encoding”. 《Clinical Neurophysiology》 125 (8): 1596–603. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2013.12.094. PMID24411642. S2CID25814844.
Missonnier P, Hasler R, Perroud N, Herrmann FR, Millet P, Richiardi J, 외. (June 2013). “EEG anomalies in adult ADHD subjects performing a working memory task”. 《Neuroscience》 241: 135–46. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.03.011. PMID23518223. S2CID937794.
Faraone SV, Biederman J (September 2002). “Efficacy of Adderall for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a meta-analysis”. 《Journal of Attention Disorders》 6 (2): 69–75. doi:10.1177/108705470200600203. PMID12142863. S2CID33187299.
Retz W, Retz-Junginger P, Thome J, Rösler M (September 2011). “Pharmacological treatment of adult ADHD in Europe”. 《The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry》. 12 Suppl 1: 89–94. doi:10.3109/15622975.2011.603229. PMID21906003. S2CID34871481.
Godfrey J (March 2009). “Safety of therapeutic methylphenidate in adults: a systematic review of the evidence”. 《Journal of Psychopharmacology》 23 (2): 194–205. doi:10.1177/0269881108089809. PMID18515459. S2CID5390805.
Santosh PJ, Sattar S, Canagaratnam M (September 2011). “Efficacy and tolerability of pharmacotherapies for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults”. 《CNS Drugs》 25 (9): 737–63. doi:10.2165/11593070-000000000-00000. PMID21870887. S2CID207300617.
Verbeeck W, Tuinier S, Bekkering GE (February 2009). “Antidepressants in the treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review”. 《Advances in Therapy》 26 (2): 170–84. doi:10.1007/s12325-009-0008-7. PMID19238340. S2CID5975939.
Rösler M, Casas M, Konofal E, Buitelaar J (August 2010). “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults”. 《The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry》 11 (5): 684–98. doi:10.3109/15622975.2010.483249. PMID20521876. S2CID25802733.
Moon KF (2004). “Development of the DSM”. 《The History of Psychiatric Classification: From Ancient Egypt to Modern America (A Website composed for the History of Psychology (PSYC 6180) The University of Georgia)》. 2009년 6월 6일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서.
Moon KF (2004). “Development of the DSM”. 《The History of Psychiatric Classification: From Ancient Egypt to Modern America (A Website composed for the History of Psychology (PSYC 6180) The University of Georgia)》. 2009년 6월 6일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서.
Hechtman, Lily (2009년 2월 8일). 〈ADHD in Adults〉. Brown, Thomas E. 《ADHD Comorbidities: Handbook for ADHD Complications in Children and Adults》 1판. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. 87쪽. ISBN9781585628339. OCLC701833161.
Rettew DC, Hudziak JJ (2009). 〈Genetics of ADHD〉. Brown TE. 《ADHD Comorbidities: Handbook for ADHD Complications in Children and Adults》 1판. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. 32쪽. ISBN978-1-58562-158-3. OCLC244601824.