“left a unique geo-historical and ethnographic record of the northern fringes of 10th-century Eurasia” Perry, John R. (2009). “review of Frye (2005)”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (University of Chicago Press) 68 (2). doi:10.1086/604698. ISSN1545-6978. JSTOR10.1086/604698.. See also: Gabriel, Judith. “Among the Norse Tribes: The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan”. Saudi Aramco World. Houston: Aramco Services Company, 1999. 36-42.
“left a unique geo-historical and ethnographic record of the northern fringes of 10th-century Eurasia” Perry, John R. (2009). “review of Frye (2005)”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (University of Chicago Press) 68 (2). doi:10.1086/604698. ISSN1545-6978. JSTOR10.1086/604698.. See also: Gabriel, Judith. “Among the Norse Tribes: The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan”. Saudi Aramco World. Houston: Aramco Services Company, 1999. 36-42.
full title:
Risālat Ibn Faḍlān, mab‘ūth al-khalīfah al-‘Abbāsī al-Muqtadir ilá bilād Ṣiqālīyah, ‘an riḥlatihi ... fī al-qarn al-‘āshir al-Mīlādī
(رسـالـة ابن فـضـلان، مـبـعـوث الـخـلـيـفـة الـعـبـاسـي الـمـقـتـدر إلـى بـلاد الـصـقـالـيـة ، عـن رحـلـتـه ... في الـقـرن الـعـاشـر الـمـيـلادي
also ma šahidat fi baladi-t-turk wa al-ẖazar wa ar-rus wa aṣ-ṣaqalibat wa al-bašġird wa ġirham ("Account of the lands of the Turks, the Khazars, the Rus, the Saqaliba [i.e. Slavs] and the Bashkirs".
Nothing is known about Ibn Fadlan other than what can be inferred from his Risala.
It has been asserted that he was a faqih (an espert in Islamic jurisprudence) at the court of the AbbasidCaliphAl-Muqtadir.
Gabriel, Judith. “Among the Norse Tribes: The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan”. Saudi Aramco World. Houston: Aramco Services Company, 1999. 36-42. Web. 1 Dec. 2012 [1]Archived 2010년 1월 13일 - 웨이백 머신
He is usually assumed to have been ethnically Arab although there is no positive evidence to this effect.
Knight, Judson. "Ibn Fadlan: An Arab Among the Vikings of Russia." Science and Its Times. Ed. Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer. Vol. 2: 700 to 1449. Detroit: Gale, 2001. 32-34. Gale Virtual Reference Library
full title:
Risālat Ibn Faḍlān, mab‘ūth al-khalīfah al-‘Abbāsī al-Muqtadir ilá bilād Ṣiqālīyah, ‘an riḥlatihi ... fī al-qarn al-‘āshir al-Mīlādī
(رسـالـة ابن فـضـلان، مـبـعـوث الـخـلـيـفـة الـعـبـاسـي الـمـقـتـدر إلـى بـلاد الـصـقـالـيـة ، عـن رحـلـتـه ... في الـقـرن الـعـاشـر الـمـيـلادي
also ma šahidat fi baladi-t-turk wa al-ẖazar wa ar-rus wa aṣ-ṣaqalibat wa al-bašġird wa ġirham ("Account of the lands of the Turks, the Khazars, the Rus, the Saqaliba [i.e. Slavs] and the Bashkirs".
Nothing is known about Ibn Fadlan other than what can be inferred from his Risala.
It has been asserted that he was a faqih (an espert in Islamic jurisprudence) at the court of the AbbasidCaliphAl-Muqtadir.
Gabriel, Judith. “Among the Norse Tribes: The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan”. Saudi Aramco World. Houston: Aramco Services Company, 1999. 36-42. Web. 1 Dec. 2012 [1]Archived 2010년 1월 13일 - 웨이백 머신
He is usually assumed to have been ethnically Arab although there is no positive evidence to this effect.
Knight, Judson. "Ibn Fadlan: An Arab Among the Vikings of Russia." Science and Its Times. Ed. Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer. Vol. 2: 700 to 1449. Detroit: Gale, 2001. 32-34. Gale Virtual Reference Library
“left a unique geo-historical and ethnographic record of the northern fringes of 10th-century Eurasia” Perry, John R. (2009). “review of Frye (2005)”. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (University of Chicago Press) 68 (2). doi:10.1086/604698. ISSN1545-6978. JSTOR10.1086/604698.. See also: Gabriel, Judith. “Among the Norse Tribes: The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan”. Saudi Aramco World. Houston: Aramco Services Company, 1999. 36-42.