압치속 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "압치속" in Korean language version.

Global rank Korean rank
708th place
352nd place
2nd place
3rd place


  • Thomas J. Near, Alex Dornburga, Matt Friedman: Phylogenetic relationships and timing of diversification in gonorynchiform fishes inferred using nuclear gene DNA sequences (Teleostei: Ostariophysi). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, DOI:0.1016/j.ympev.2014.07.013


  • (영어) Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2011년). 어류 정보 사이트 FishBase. Gonorynchus에 속한 종. 2011년 6월 판