Hargittai, Eszter; Shaw, Aaron (2014년 11월 4일). “Mind the skills gap: the role of Internet know-how and gender in differentiated contributions to Wikipedia”. 《Information, Communication & Society》: 1–19. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2014.957711.
Andrew Lih (2015년 6월 20일). “Can Wikipedia Survive?”. 《www.nytimes.com》. Washington. 2015년 6월 21일에 확인함. ...the considerable and often-noted gender gap among Wikipedia editors; in 2011, less than 15 percent were women.
Statistics based on Wikimedia Foundation Wikipedia editor surveys 2011Archived 2014년 8월 12일 - 웨이백 머신 (Nov. 2010-April 2011) and November 2011 (April - October 2011)
Statistics based on Wikimedia Foundation Wikipedia editor surveys 2011Archived 2014년 8월 12일 - 웨이백 머신 (Nov. 2010-April 2011) and November 2011 (April - October 2011)
Statistics based on Wikimedia Foundation Wikipedia editor surveys 2011Archived 2014년 8월 12일 - 웨이백 머신 (Nov. 2010-April 2011) and November 2011 (April - October 2011)