Satya Gontcho A Gontcho; Jean-Baptiste Kikwaya Eluo; Gabor, Paul (2023). "Resurfaced 1964 VRT video interview of Georges Lemaître". arXiv:2301.07198physics.hist-ph.
"name change for Hubble Law". Nature. 563 (7729): 10–11. 31 October 2018. "국제 천문 연맹은 미국 천문학자 에드윈 허블보다 2년 앞서 속도-거리 관계를 도출한 벨기에 사제이자 천문학자인 조르주 르메트르에게 경의를 표하기 위해 이 법칙을 이제 허블-르메트르 법칙으로 알려야 한다고 권고한다."
Lemaitre, G.; Vallarta, M. S. (15 January 1933). "On Compton's Latitude Effect of Cosmic Radiation". Physical Review. 43 (2): 87–91. Bibcode:1933PhRv...43...87L.
De Maeseneer, Wim (31 December 2022). "Lang naar gezocht, eindelijk gevonden: VRT vindt interview uit 1964 terug met de Belg die de oerknal bedacht" [Long sought, finally found: VRT finds 1964 interview with Belgian who invented the Big Bang]. (in Dutch). Retrieved 4 January 2023. VRT has recovered a lost interview with Georges Lemaître in its archives. He was interviewed about it in 1964 for the then BRT, but until recently it was thought that only a short excerpt of it had been preserved. Now the entire 20-minute interview has been recovered. "A gem," says cosmologist Thomas Hertog."