책봉체제 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "책봉체제" in Korean language version.

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485th place
371st place
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5,087th place
543rd place
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6th place
18th place







  • Swope, Kenneth. “Beyond Turtleboats: Siege Accounts from Hideyoshi's Second Invasion of Korea, 1597–1598” (PDF). 《Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies》: 761. 2013년 11월 3일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2013년 9월 7일에 확인함. At this point in 1593, the war entered a stalemate during which intrigues and negotiations failed to produce a settlement. As the suzerain of Joseon Korea, Ming China exercised tight control over the Koreans during the war. At the same time, Ming China negotiated bilaterally with Japan while often ignoring the wishes of the Korean government. 





  • David C. Kang, et al. "War, Rebellion, and Intervention under Hierarchy: Vietnam–China Relations, 1365 to 1841." Journal of Conflict Resolution 63.4 (2019): 896-922. online


  • Swope, Kenneth. “Beyond Turtleboats: Siege Accounts from Hideyoshi's Second Invasion of Korea, 1597–1598” (PDF). 《Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies》: 761. 2013년 11월 3일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2013년 9월 7일에 확인함. At this point in 1593, the war entered a stalemate during which intrigues and negotiations failed to produce a settlement. As the suzerain of Joseon Korea, Ming China exercised tight control over the Koreans during the war. At the same time, Ming China negotiated bilaterally with Japan while often ignoring the wishes of the Korean government. 



  • Chu 1994, 177쪽. Chu, Samuel C. (1994), 《Liu Hung-Chang and China's Early Modernization》, Routledge 
  • Lee 2017, 28–29쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 9쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 13쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 33쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 3쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Smits 2019, 65쪽. Smits, Gregory (2019), 《Maritime Ryukyu, 1050-1650》, University of Hawaii Press 
  • Lee 2017, 12쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 15-16쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Smits 2019, 35쪽. Smits, Gregory (2019), 《Maritime Ryukyu, 1050-1650》, University of Hawaii Press 
  • de Klundert 2013, 176쪽. de Klundert, Theo van (2013), 《Capitalism and Democracy: A Fragile Alliance》, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 
  • Lee 2017, 17쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 23쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 24쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • Lee 2017, 18쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 
  • 2014, 19쪽.
  • Bielenstein 2005, 142쪽. Bielenstein, Hans (2005), 《Diplomacy and Trade in the Chinese World, 589-1276》, Brill, ISBN 978-90-474-0761-4 
  • Wang 2013, 96쪽. Wang, Zhenping (2013), 《Tang China in Multi-Polar Asia: A History of Diplomacy and War》, University of Hawaii Press 
  • Lee 2017, 19쪽. Lee, Ji-Young (2017), 《China's Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination》, Columbia University Press 



  • 〈97〉. 《Book of Jin》. 馬韓:武帝太康元年·二年, 其主頻遣使入貢方物, 七年·八年·十年, 又頻至. 太熙元年, 詣東夷校尉何龕上獻. 咸寧三年復來, 明年又請內附. 
  • 〈97〉. 《Book of Jin》. 辰韓, 武帝太康元年, 其王遣使献方物. 二年復來朝貢, 七年又來. 
  • 〈30〉. 《Records of the Three Kingdoms》. 當此時爲侯國, 漢光武帝八年, 高句麗王遣使朝貢, 始見稱王. 
  • 〈97〉. 《Book of Song》. 高句驪王高璉, 晉安帝義熙九年, 遣長史高翼奉表獻赭白馬...少帝景平二年, 璉遣長史馬婁等詣闕獻方物, 遣使慰勞之, 曰, “皇帝問使持節·散騎常侍·都督營平二州諸軍事·征東大將軍·高句驪王·樂浪公, 纂戎東服, 庸績繼軌, 厥惠旣彰, 款誠亦著, 逾遼越海, 納貢本朝. 朕以不德, 忝承鴻緒, 永懷先蹤, 思覃遺澤. 今遣謁者朱邵伯·副謁者王邵子等, 宣旨慰勞. 其茂康惠政, 永隆厥功, 式昭往命, 稱朕意焉.”...太祖世, 每歲遣使獻方物...璉每歲遣使. 十六年, 太祖欲北討, 詔璉送馬, 璉獻馬八百匹. 世祖孝建二年, 璉遣長史董騰奉表慰國哀再周, 並獻方物. 大明三年, 又獻肅慎氏楛矢石砮. 七年, 詔曰, “使持節·散騎常侍·督平營二州諸軍事·征東大將軍·高句驪王·樂浪公璉, 世事忠義, 作藩海外, 誠系本朝, 志剪殘險, 通譯沙表, 克宣王猷. 宜加褒進, 以旌純節. 可車騎大將軍·開府儀同三司, 持節·常侍·都督·王·公如故.” 太宗泰始·後廢帝元徽中, 貢獻不絕. 
  • 〈100〉. 《Book of Wei》. 世祖時, 釗曾孫璉始遣使者安東奉表貢方物, 並請國諱. 世祖嘉其誠款, 詔下帝系名諱於其國, 遣員外散騎侍郎李敖拜璉爲都督遼海諸軍事·征東將軍·領護東夷中郎將·遼東郡開國公·高句麗王...至高祖時, 璉貢獻倍前, 其報賜亦稍加焉...太和十五年, 璉死, 年百餘歲.高祖舉哀於東郊, 遣謁者仆射李安上策贈車騎大將軍·太傅·遼東郡開國公·高句麗王, 諡曰康. 又遣大鴻臚拜璉孫雲使持節·都督遼海諸軍事·征東將軍·領護東夷中郎將·遼東郡開國公·高句麗王, 賜衣冠服物車旗之飾, 又詔云遣世子入朝, 令及郊丘之禮. 雲上書辭疾, 惟遣其從叔升於隨使詣闕, 嚴責之. 自此歲常貢獻... 
  • 〈81〉. 《Book of Sui》. 朱蒙建國, 自號高句麗, 以高爲氏...在周遣使朝貢, 武帝拜湯上開府·遼東郡公·遼東王. 高祖受禪, 湯復遣使詣闕, 進授大將軍, 改封高麗王. 歲遣使朝貢不絕. 
  • 〈199〉. 《Old Book of Tang》. 武德二年, 遣使來朝.四年, 又遣使朝貢. 
  • 〈100〉. 《Book of Wei》. 顯祖以其僻遠, 冒險朝獻, 禮遇優厚, 遣使者邵安與其使俱還. 詔曰, “得表聞之, 無恙甚善. 卿在東隅, 處五服之外, 不遠山海, 歸誠魏闕, 欣嘉至意, 用戢於懷. 
  • 〈9〉. 《Book of Jin》. 二年春正月辛丑, 百濟·林邑王各遣使貢方物...... 秋七月戊戌, 遣兼司空·高密王純之修謁洛陽五陵. 己酉, 葬康獻皇後於崇平陵. 百濟遣使來貢方物...... 
  • 〈81〉. 《Book of Sui》. 開皇初, 其王餘昌遣使貢方物, 拜昌爲上開府·帶方郡公·百濟王. 
  • 〈81〉. 《Book of Sui》. 平陳之歲, 有一戰船漂至海東牟羅國, 其船得還, 經於百濟, 昌資送之甚厚, 並遣使奉表賀平陳. 高祖善之, 下詔曰, “百濟王旣聞平陳, 遠令奉表, 往復至難, 若逢風浪, 便致傷損. 百濟王心跡淳至, 朕已委知. 相去雖遠, 事同言面, 何必數遣使來相體悉. 自今以後, 不須年別入貢, 朕亦不遣使往, 王宜知之.” 
  • 〈81〉. 《Book of Sui》. 開皇十八年, 昌使其長史王辯那來獻方物, 屬興遼東之役, 遣使奉表, 請爲軍導.....大業三年, 璋遣使者燕文進朝貢. 其年, 又遣使者王孝鄰入獻, 請討高麗. 
  • 〈81〉. 《Book of Sui》. 十年, 復遣使朝貢. 後天下亂, 使命遂絕. 
  • 〈199〉. 《Old Book of Tang》. 武德四年, 其王扶餘璋遣使來獻果下馬. 七年, 又遣大臣奉表朝貢. 高祖嘉其誠款, 遣使就冊爲帶方郡王·百濟王. 自是歲遣朝貢, 高祖撫勞甚厚...十一年, 遣使來朝, 獻鐵甲雕斧...高宗嗣位, 永徽二年, 始又遣使朝貢... 
  • 〈81〉. 《Book of Sui》. 傳祚至金眞平, 開皇十四年, 遣使貢方物...大業以來, 歲遣朝貢. 
  • 〈199〉. 《Old Book of Tang》. 新羅國...武德四年, 遣使朝貢...貞觀五年, 遣使獻女樂二人, 皆鬒發美色...開元十六年, 遣使來獻方物, 又上表請令人就中國學問經教, 上許之...大曆二年, 憲英卒, 國人立其子幹運爲王, 仍遣其大臣金隱居奉表入朝, 貢方物, 請加冊命...八年, 遣使來朝, 並獻金·銀·牛黃·魚牙納朝霞䌷等. 九年至十二年, 比歲遣使來朝, 或一歲再至...元和四年, 遣使金陸珍等來朝貢. 五年, 王子金憲章來朝貢...十五年十一月, 遣使朝貢...長慶二年十二月, 遣使金柱弼朝貢. 
  • 〈199〉. 《New Book of Tang》. 新羅國...貞觀五年, 獻女樂二...玄宗開元中, 數入朝, 獻果下馬·朝霞䌷·魚牙䌷·海豹皮. 又獻二女. 
