체스 규칙 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "체스 규칙" in Korean language version.

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low place
low place
1st place
1st place
low place
7,717th place





  • en:International Arbiter en:Eric Schiller에 의하면, 필요한 기물이 없을 경우 룩을 거꾸로 세워서 퀸 대신 사용하거나 한 칸에 폰을 두개 놓아서 상대에게 무슨 기물을 상징하는지 확인시킨 후, 해당 기물 대신 사용하여도 된다. 심판이 있는 정식 경기에서는 심판이 거꾸로 세운 룩이나 폰 두개 대신 적당한 정식 기물을 제공해야 한다.(According to International Arbiter Eric Schiller, if the proper piece is not available, an inverted rook may be used to represent a queen, or the pawn on its side can be used and the player should indicate which piece it represents. In a formal chess match with an arbiter present, the arbiter should replace the pawn or inverted rook with the proper piece)(Schiller 2003, 18–19쪽) Schiller, Eric (2003), 《Official Rules of Chess》 2판, Cardoza, ISBN 978-1-58042-092-1 
  • Before this was the rule, Mikhail Tal and others were in the habit of writing the move before making it on the board. Unlike other players, Tal did not hide the move after he had written it – he liked to watch for the reaction of his opponent before he made the move. Sometimes he crossed out a move he had written and wrote a different move instead (Timman 2005, 83쪽). Timman, Jan (2005), 《Curaçao 1962: The Battle of Minds that Shook the Chess World》, New in Chess, ISBN 978-90-5691-139-3 
  • The USCF requires that only an illegal move within the last ten moves be corrected. If the illegal move was more than ten moves ago, the game continues (Just & Burg 2003, 23–24쪽). Just, Tim; Burg, Daniel B. (2003), 《U.S. Chess Federation's Official Rules of Chess》 5판, McKay, ISBN 0-8129-3559-4 
  • The USCF rules are different. If before Black's tenth move is completed it is discovered that the initial position was wrong or that the colors were reversed, the game is restarted with the correct initial position and colors. If the discovery is made after the tenth move, the game continues (Just & Burg 2003, 26쪽). Just, Tim; Burg, Daniel B. (2003), 《U.S. Chess Federation's Official Rules of Chess》 5판, McKay, ISBN 0-8129-3559-4 
  • 1988년과 2006년의 FIDE 규칙은 85–105 mm를 사용할 것을 분명히 명시하고 있다.(FIDE 1989, 121쪽)그러나 2008년 규칙에는 "약 95 mm 정도"라고 표현되어 있다. FIDE (1989), 《The Official Laws of Chess》, Macmillian, ISBN 0-02-028540-X 
  • The US Chess Federation allows the height of the king to be 86–114 mm (3+384+12 inches) (Just & Burg 2003, 225–27쪽). Just, Tim; Burg, Daniel B. (2003), 《U.S. Chess Federation's Official Rules of Chess》 5판, McKay, ISBN 0-8129-3559-4