쿠르스크 전투 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "쿠르스크 전투" in Korean language version.

Global rank Korean rank
low place
low place
6th place
18th place
3,221st place
8,254th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
3,923rd place
low place
330th place
2,523rd place
5th place
11th place












  • Clark 2012, xv, 228쪽: "The Battle of Kursk was the greatest land battle the world has ever seen on a fighting front that epitomized 'total war' ... It was time for the largest set-piece battle in the history of war to begin."
  • Töppel 2017, 233–234쪽: "At Kursk, however, no less than 3.5 million soldiers, 12,000 tanks and self-propelled guns and 57,000 guns and mortars were ready for battle. Thus, defined by the number of men and material involved, the Battle of Kursk was without doubt not only the biggest tank clash of the Second World War, but indeed at the same time the largest battle of the Second World War."
  • Frieser 2017, 83, 200쪽: "The battle of Kursk is considered the biggest land battle of the Second World War, indeed the biggest in all of military history. During the fighting the two sides deployed more than 4 million troops, 69,000 cannon and launchers, 13,000 tanks and self-propelled guns, and almost 12,000 aircraft. Even the battle of Stalingrad seems small-scale in comparison ... As the Red Army had massed a large part of its forces in the Kursk salient, the outcome was the greatest land battle of the Second World War, indeed the greatest in all the history of war."
  • Showalter 2013, 269쪽.
  • Glantz & House 2004, 84, 174, 186, 220–221쪽.
  • Glantz & Orenstein 1999, 1쪽.
  • Newton 2002, 12쪽.
  • Dunn 1997, 94쪽.
  • Kasdorf 2000, 16쪽.
  • Glantz & House 2004, 64–67쪽.
  • Glantz 1989, 149–159쪽.
  • Atkinson 2007, 172쪽.
  • Glantz & House 1995, 167쪽.
  • Glantz 2013, 184쪽.
  • Glantz 1986, 66쪽.
