Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "퀴닌" in Korean language version.
Naciò el Hermano Agustin Salumbrino el año de mil y quinientos y sesenta y quatro en la Ciudad de Fḷọṛi en la Romania […]
In fact, though the last wordon this has not yet been spoken, there are Jesuit texts thatmention that quinine reached Rome in 1632, with theprovincial of the Jesuit missions in Peru, father AlonsoMessia Venegas, as its introducer, when he brought asample of the bark to present it as a primacy, and whohad left Lima 2 years earlier, because evidence of his stayin Seville 1632 has been registered, publishing one of hisbooks there and following his way to Rome as a procurator.
In fact, though the last wordon this has not yet been spoken, there are Jesuit texts thatmention that quinine reached Rome in 1632, with theprovincial of the Jesuit missions in Peru, father AlonsoMessia Venegas, as its introducer, when he brought asample of the bark to present it as a primacy, and whohad left Lima 2 years earlier, because evidence of his stayin Seville 1632 has been registered, publishing one of hisbooks there and following his way to Rome as a procurator.
In fact, though the last wordon this has not yet been spoken, there are Jesuit texts thatmention that quinine reached Rome in 1632, with theprovincial of the Jesuit missions in Peru, father AlonsoMessia Venegas, as its introducer, when he brought asample of the bark to present it as a primacy, and whohad left Lima 2 years earlier, because evidence of his stayin Seville 1632 has been registered, publishing one of hisbooks there and following his way to Rome as a procurator.