McGreevy, Patrick. "Place in the American Christmas", (JSTOR보관됨 12월 15, 2018 - 웨이백 머신), Geographical Review, Vol. 80, No. 1. January 1990, pp. 32–42. Retrieved September 10, 2007.
Moore's poem transferred the genuine old Dutch traditions celebrated at New Year in New York, including the exchange of gifts, family feasting, and tales of "sinterklass" (a derivation in Dutch from "Saint Nicholas", from whence comes the modern "Santa Claus") to Christmas.The history of Christmas: Christmas history in America보관됨 4월 19, 2018 - 웨이백 머신, 2006.
McGreevy, Patrick. "Place in the American Christmas", (JSTOR보관됨 12월 15, 2018 - 웨이백 머신), Geographical Review, Vol. 80, No. 1. January 1990, pp. 32–42. Retrieved September 10, 2007.
Earnshaw, Iris (November 2003). “The History of Christmas Cards”. Inverloch Historical Society Inc. 2016년 5월 26일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2008년 7월 25일에 확인함.
Moore's poem transferred the genuine old Dutch traditions celebrated at New Year in New York, including the exchange of gifts, family feasting, and tales of "sinterklass" (a derivation in Dutch from "Saint Nicholas", from whence comes the modern "Santa Claus") to Christmas.The history of Christmas: Christmas history in America보관됨 4월 19, 2018 - 웨이백 머신, 2006.