Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "티치노주" in Korean language version.
The Ticino region situated to the south of the Swiss Alps generally experiences a Mediterranean climate, with hot but relatively moist summer seasons. The Alps form an arc around the plain of the Po valley, acting as a barrier against central European weather
The heaviest rain events take place when the cyclone path is in such a position that it produces the local convergence of moist Mediterranean air. In the Western Mediterranean, this feeding flow is southerly for northern Italy and Ticino
The Ticino is the canton most affected by forest fires in all Switzerland. Its geographical position at the southern foot of the Alps determines a climate that is extremely favourable to the development and spread of forest fires.
For its geographical location and its particular morphological configurations, the Upper Ticino is located between the harsh Alpine climate and the more temperate Mediterranean climate.
Il mese scorso l’olio d’oliva ticinese è stato inserito nel patrimonio culinario svizzero, annoverato tra i prodotti d’eccellenza del nostro Paese.
In the alpine region (Sopraceneri) the upper limit of the forests reaches 1900-2000m asl. This limit reaches 1600m asl in the subalpine region (Sottoceneri), characterized by the almost exclusive presence of hardwood forests.
I dati raccolti da MeteoSvizzera sono impressionanti: nel 2008 in un raggio di trenta chilometri attorno a Lugano, sono stati registrati più di 13 mila fulmini, mentre in località analoghe come quota a nord delle Alpi, ne sono stati registrati fra 3 mila e 6 mila.
The Trekking dei fiori, a new 5-day experience within the local nature and culture, spans the entire region of the Locarnese National Park Project, going from a subtropical climate to the alpine climate.
Il mese scorso l’olio d’oliva ticinese è stato inserito nel patrimonio culinario svizzero, annoverato tra i prodotti d’eccellenza del nostro Paese.