The precise role of Raphael in Perugino's works, executed during his apprenticeship, is disputed by scholars. The independent works depicted in Perugia are: the Ansidei Madonna (taken by the French under the terms of the Treaty of Tolentino in 1798), the Deposition by Raphael (Pala Baglioni, this masterpiece was expropriated by Scipione Borghese in 1608, cf. 'The Guardian, 2004년 10월 19일), the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, by Raphael (formerly located in the convent of St Anthony of Padua cf.The Colonna Altarpiece review at Art HistoryArchived 2007년 12월 19일 - 웨이백 머신), the Connestabile Madonna (이 회화는 1871년에 러시아 황제에게 13,200 파운드라는 값에 판매되어 페루자에서 반출되었다 cf. Encyclopædia Britannica), the Oddi altar by Raphael (requisitioned by the French in 1798)
The precise role of Raphael in Perugino's works, executed during his apprenticeship, is disputed by scholars. The independent works depicted in Perugia are: the Ansidei Madonna (taken by the French under the terms of the Treaty of Tolentino in 1798), the Deposition by Raphael (Pala Baglioni, this masterpiece was expropriated by Scipione Borghese in 1608, cf. 'The Guardian, 2004년 10월 19일), the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, by Raphael (formerly located in the convent of St Anthony of Padua cf.The Colonna Altarpiece review at Art HistoryArchived 2007년 12월 19일 - 웨이백 머신), the Connestabile Madonna (이 회화는 1871년에 러시아 황제에게 13,200 파운드라는 값에 판매되어 페루자에서 반출되었다 cf. Encyclopædia Britannica), the Oddi altar by Raphael (requisitioned by the French in 1798)
The precise role of Raphael in Perugino's works, executed during his apprenticeship, is disputed by scholars. The independent works depicted in Perugia are: the Ansidei Madonna (taken by the French under the terms of the Treaty of Tolentino in 1798), the Deposition by Raphael (Pala Baglioni, this masterpiece was expropriated by Scipione Borghese in 1608, cf. 'The Guardian, 2004년 10월 19일), the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, by Raphael (formerly located in the convent of St Anthony of Padua cf.The Colonna Altarpiece review at Art HistoryArchived 2007년 12월 19일 - 웨이백 머신), the Connestabile Madonna (이 회화는 1871년에 러시아 황제에게 13,200 파운드라는 값에 판매되어 페루자에서 반출되었다 cf. Encyclopædia Britannica), the Oddi altar by Raphael (requisitioned by the French in 1798)