Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "프랑스 혁명" in Korean language version.
In 1789, the power of governing was in the hand of a well meaning but feeble king, Louis XVI. Louis XVI had inherited many problems from Louis XV, who boasted that after his reign there would be a deluge. He meant that after his reign there would be a flood of troubles.
On the 20th of April, [...] Having failed in these efforts, I now come, according to the terms of the constitution, to propose to the national assembly war against the king of Hungary and Bohemia." ... As soon as the king had withdrawn, the assembly voted an extraordinary sitting for the evening. In that sitting war was almost unanimously decided upon.
The elections to the states-general of 1789 were held in unfavourable circumstances. The failure of the harvest of 1788 and a severe winter had caused widespread distress. The government was weak and despised, and its agents were afraid or unwilling to quell outbreaks of disorder. At the same time the longing for radical reform and the belief that it would be easy were almost universal. The cahiers or written instructions given to the deputies covered well-nigh every subject of political, social or economic interest, and demanded an amazing number of changes. Amid this commotion the king and his ministers remained passive. They did not even determine the question whether the estates should act as separate bodies or deliberate collectively. On the 5th of May the states-general were opened by Louis in the Salle des Menus Plaisirs at Versailles.(1789년의 삼부회가 열리던 당시의 상황은 심각하였다. 1788년의 흉작과 혹독한 겨울로 인한 고통이 전 국토를 휘감았다. 정부는 나약했으며 멸시받고 있었다. 관리들은 불복종이 표출되는 것을 진압하기를 두려워하거나 망설이고 있었다. 이와 함께, 근본적인 개혁에 대한 갈망과 그 개혁이 쉬울 것이라는 신념이 일반적이었다. 대의원들에게 주어진 서면 지시 사항은 정치적 · 사회적 · 경제적 관심들을 총망라한 것이었으며 아주 많은 변화를 요구하고 있었다. 이러한 소란 가운데, 왕과 그의 신하들은 여전히 수동적인 자세였다. 그들은 삼부회가 개별적으로 열려야 할지 아니면 함께 종합적으로 고민해야 할지 하는 문제도 결정하지 못했다. 1789년 5월 5일 루이16세는 베르사이유 궁전의 살 드 메뉘 플레지르에서 삼부회를 열었다.
On the question whether Louis was guilty none ventured to give a negative vote. The motion for an appeal to the people was rejected by 424 votes to 283. The penalty of death was adopted by 361 votes against 360 in favour of other penalties or of postponing at least the execution of the sentence. On the 21st of January 1793 Louis was beheaded in the Place de la Révolution, now the Place de la Concorde.