훈족 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "훈족" in Korean language version.

Global rank Korean rank
6th place
18th place
low place
low place
2nd place
3rd place
low place
low place
3rd place
9th place
5th place
11th place
4th place
4th place
121st place
423rd place
6,962nd place
low place
149th place
122nd place
11th place
310th place
358th place
952nd place
504th place
257th place
26th place
70th place
low place
low place
















  • Saag, Lehti; Staniuk, Robert (2022년 7월 11일). “Historical human migrations: From the steppe to the basin”. 《Current Biology32 (13): 38–41. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2022.05.058. PMID 35820383. S2CID 250443139. 2022년 7월 31일에 확인함. Many migrations during human history have made the Carpathian Basin the melting pot of Europe. New ancient genomes confirm the Asian origin of European Huns, Avars and Magyars and huge within-group variability that is linked with social structure. 
  • Molnár 등. 2014, 7쪽. Molnár, Mónika; János, István; Szűcs, László; Szathmáry, László (April 2014). “Artificially deformed crania from the Hun-Germanic Period (5th–6th century AD) in northeastern Hungary: historical and morphological analysis”. 《Journal of Neurosurgery》 36 (4): E1. doi:10.3171/2014.1.FOCUS13466. PMID 24684322. 
  • Molnár 등. 2014, 6쪽. Molnár, Mónika; János, István; Szűcs, László; Szathmáry, László (April 2014). “Artificially deformed crania from the Hun-Germanic Period (5th–6th century AD) in northeastern Hungary: historical and morphological analysis”. 《Journal of Neurosurgery》 36 (4): E1. doi:10.3171/2014.1.FOCUS13466. PMID 24684322. 
  • Molnár 등. 2014, 2쪽. Molnár, Mónika; János, István; Szűcs, László; Szathmáry, László (April 2014). “Artificially deformed crania from the Hun-Germanic Period (5th–6th century AD) in northeastern Hungary: historical and morphological analysis”. 《Journal of Neurosurgery》 36 (4): E1. doi:10.3171/2014.1.FOCUS13466. PMID 24684322. 






  • Szűcs 1999, xliv쪽.
  • Engel 2002, 2쪽.
  • Schottky 2004. Schottky, Martin (2004). 〈Huns〉. 《Encyclopaedia Iranica》. 
  • Crubézy, 1990 & pp-195-196.
  • Damgaard et al. 2018, 369–371쪽. "Scythians admixed with the eastern steppe nomads who formed the Xiongnu confederations, and moved westward in about the second or third century BC, forming the Hun traditions in the fourth–fifth century AD... We find that the Huns have increased shared drift with West Eurasians compared to the Xiongnu... Overall, our data show that the Xiongnu confederation was genetically heterogeneous, and that the Huns emerged following minor male-driven East Asian gene flow into the preceding Sakas that they invaded."
  • Neparáczki et al. 2019, 1쪽. "Recent genetic data connect European Huns to Inner Asian Xiongnus..."
  • Heather, 151–152쪽.
  • Sinner 1990, 185쪽.
  • Thompson 1999, 136쪽.
  • Heather 1990, 124쪽.
  • Heather 1990, 125쪽.
  • Sinor 2005, 4228쪽. Sinor, Denis (2005). 〈Hun Religion〉. Jones, Lindsay. 《Encyclopedia of Religion》 6 2판. Macmillan Reference. 4228–4229쪽. ISBN 9780028657332. OCLC 56057973. 
  • Thompson 1973, 47–48쪽.
  • Heather 1999, 11쪽.
  • Heather 2006, 330–33쪽.
  • Heather 2006, 332쪽.
  • Pristak 1982, 470쪽.
  • Sinor 2005, 4229쪽. Sinor, Denis (2005). 〈Hun Religion〉. Jones, Lindsay. 《Encyclopedia of Religion》 6 2판. Macmillan Reference. 4228–4229쪽. ISBN 9780028657332. OCLC 56057973. 
  • Heather 2006, 155쪽.
  • Heather 2006, 155–156쪽.
  • Heather 2006, 329–330쪽.
  • Heather 2006, 301–302쪽.
  • Heather 2006, 303쪽.
  • Szűcs 1999, xlv–xlvii쪽.
  • Szűcs 1999, xlvii쪽.
  • Szűcs 1999, lv쪽. 쉬치(Szűcs)는 헝가리인의 조상이라는 후노르 (Hunor)라는 이름이 마자르의 구전에서 진지하게 반영된 것이라 주장하지만, 실은 오노구르어 명칭에서 전래한 것이다. 그리하여 시몬은 후노르훈족의 유사함을 그의 이론을 지지하는 데에 단순히 사용했다.
  • Szűcs 1999, liii–liv쪽.
  • Lafferton 2007, 717쪽.
  • Lendvai, 24쪽.
