Bellovarium (Latin Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Bellovarium" in Latin language version.

Global rank Latin rank
215th place
9th place

  • A gazetteer of the world, or Dictionary of geographical knowledge, compiled from the most recent authorities, and forming a complete body of modern geography, physical, political, statistical, historical, and ethnographical. (edited by a member of the Royal Geographical Society), Vol. VII., Edinburgh : A. Fullarton & Co., 1856, p. 434, p. 752
  • Vinko Sabljar, ed., Miestopisni riečnik kraljevinah Dalmacije Hèrvatske i Slavonije, Nakladom i bèrzotiskom A. Jakića, Zagreb, 1866, p. 17
  • Ludovico Nagy (Nagy Lajos), Notitiae politico-geographico-statisticae inclyti Regni Hungariae, partiumque eidem adnexarum, Tomus secundus: Notiae politico-geographico-statisticae partium Regno Hungariae adnexarum, seu Slavoniae et Croatiae, Litoralis item Hungarico-Maritimi commercialis, et confiniorum militarium Hungaricorum, Budae : Procusae Typis Annae Landerer, 1829, p. 147