Joseph Louis Svirbely, Albert Szent-Györgyi, "The Chemical Nature of Vitamin C" pars ipars ii in Biochemical Journal vol. 26 (1932) pp. 865-870, vol. 27 (1933) pp. 279-285
As it happened, Szeged is the center of the paprika (red pepper) industry. Paprika was not available at Cambridge. I once saw it on the market but the vendor cautioned me that it was poisonous. One night [at Szeged] we had fresh red pepper for supper. I did not feel like eating it and thought of a way out. Suddenly it occurred to me that this was practically the only plant I had never tested. I took it to the laboratory and about midnight I knew that it was a treasure chest of vitamin C, containing 2 mg per gram. A few weeks later I had kilograms of crystalline vitamin C which I distributed all over the world among researchers who wanted to work on it. This made complete analysis and synthesis possible: Albert Szent-Györgyi, "Lost in the Twentieth Century" in Annual Review of Biochemistry vol. 32 (1963) pp. 1-14
Pimentão-cornicabra, pimentão-doce, pimenteiro, pimento (fruto), pimento-comum ... Variedades: Capsicum umbellicatum Vellozo (Pimentão maça), Capsicum longum de Candolle (Pimentão Chifre da cabra), Capsicum cordiforme Mill. (Chama-se em Portugal: Pimenta de cheiro ou Pimenta da terra: vide Plantas de Angola