"Aqua cocois": Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung (1852) p. 204; cf. "lac cocois" ibidem p. 210
Wee found also a tree which beareth the fruite cocos, which is bigger then a mans head, having within the utter coate, which is about 3 inches thicke, a certain nut as bigge as two fists, and hath within a white substance, cleaving fast to the shell, which is halfe an inche thick, very pleasant to taste, and within that a certaine hollownesse or voyde place, wherein is contained a pure and pleasant water in taste, and as some thinke, marvellous comfortable. Edward Cliffe in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (2a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1598-1600) p. 749; cf. Walterus Bygges, Expeditio Francisci Draki equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales anno MDLXXXV. Leydae: apud Fr. Raphelengium Textus cum p. 14 editionis Anglici; Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations ... (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) supplementum (post p. 743 insertum) fol. 4v
Genetivo Cocois nuciferae, e.g. Ioannes Christianus Felix Baehr, coll., Ctesiae Cnidii operum reliquiae (Francofurti ad Moenum: 1824), p. 327; rarius Cocotis, e.g. Henricus Fridericus Link, Elementa Philosophiae Botanicae (Berolini: 1824), p. 321.
Wee found also a tree which beareth the fruite cocos, which is bigger then a mans head, having within the utter coate, which is about 3 inches thicke, a certain nut as bigge as two fists, and hath within a white substance, cleaving fast to the shell, which is halfe an inche thick, very pleasant to taste, and within that a certaine hollownesse or voyde place, wherein is contained a pure and pleasant water in taste, and as some thinke, marvellous comfortable. Edward Cliffe in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (2a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1598-1600) p. 749; cf. Walterus Bygges, Expeditio Francisci Draki equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales anno MDLXXXV. Leydae: apud Fr. Raphelengium Textus cum p. 14 editionis Anglici; Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations ... (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) supplementum (post p. 743 insertum) fol. 4v
Wee found also a tree which beareth the fruite cocos, which is bigger then a mans head, having within the utter coate, which is about 3 inches thicke, a certain nut as bigge as two fists, and hath within a white substance, cleaving fast to the shell, which is halfe an inche thick, very pleasant to taste, and within that a certaine hollownesse or voyde place, wherein is contained a pure and pleasant water in taste, and as some thinke, marvellous comfortable. Edward Cliffe in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (2a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1598-1600) p. 749; cf. Walterus Bygges, Expeditio Francisci Draki equitis Angli in Indias Occidentales anno MDLXXXV. Leydae: apud Fr. Raphelengium Textus cum p. 14 editionis Anglici; Richard Hakluyt, The Principall Navigations ... (1a ed. Londinii: George Bishop, 1589) supplementum (post p. 743 insertum) fol. 4v