Herodotus I.46-52 et 93. Peter Thonemann, Croesus and the oracles; Journal of Hellenic studies, 2016 (136)ː 152–167. H.W. Park, "Croesus and Delphi", Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 1984ː 209-232.
Herodotus I.46-52 et 93. Peter Thonemann, Croesus and the oracles; Journal of Hellenic studies, 2016 (136)ː 152–167. H.W. Park, "Croesus and Delphi", Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 1984ː 209-232.
I.6ː πρῶτος τῶν ἡμεῖς ἴδμεν τοὺς μὲν κατεστρέψατο Ἑλλήνων ἐς φόρου ἀπαγωγήν. . . . Πρὸ δὲ τῆς Κροίσου ἀρχῆς πάντες Ἕλληνες ἦσαν ἐλεύθεροιː primus quem quidem noverimus nonnullos e Graecis subegit tributi imponendi causa. Ante Croesi regnum omnes Graeci liberi erant: Ἰωνίης τὴν πρώτην καταστροφὴν (I.92) illa eventa appellabat quae alioqui brevissime rettulit. Vide M. Lloyd, "̪"Croesus' priority: Herodotus 1.5.3,"Liverpool Classical Monthly 1984ː 11.