The savory odors of the Cook Shops tempted the over hungry citizen to the bun of Bath, or to the fragrant potage that mocks the turtle's flavor – the turtle! O dapibus supremi grata testudo Jovis! I am an Alderman when I think of thee! Well: it was noon in Chepe [i.e. Cheapside, vicus mercatorius Londiniensis]: W. M. Thackeray, "Novels by Eminent Hands" in Burlesquesvol. 1 p. 3 editionis 1887. De citatione Horatiana cf. Michael Gilleland, "Turtles"
The cold mock turtle soups ... which London pastry-cooks keep in their shops, ready for immediate use: Hester Lynch Piozzi, Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany (p. 451 editionis Dublinensis 1789 apud Google Books).
The savory odors of the Cook Shops tempted the over hungry citizen to the bun of Bath, or to the fragrant potage that mocks the turtle's flavor – the turtle! O dapibus supremi grata testudo Jovis! I am an Alderman when I think of thee! Well: it was noon in Chepe [i.e. Cheapside, vicus mercatorius Londiniensis]: W. M. Thackeray, "Novels by Eminent Hands" in Burlesquesvol. 1 p. 3 editionis 1887. De citatione Horatiana cf. Michael Gilleland, "Turtles"