To dress a turtle the West-India way: Hannah Glasse, The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy (5a ed. Londinii, 1755) p. 331; Francis Collingwood, John Woollams, The Universal Cook (Londinii, 1792) p. 179; Schildkröte auf die Westindianische Art zuzubereitet: Fridericus Gotthelf Baumgärtner, interpr., Neues Londner Kochbuch (Lipsiae, 1794) (p. 220 apud Google Books)
other small red peppers, when ripe, taken and dried in the sun, and then ground with salt and pepper, close stopped in a bottle, are an excellent relisher to sauce for fish or flesh, and commonly called kyan butter: Henry Barham, Hortus Americanus (Kingston Iamaicae, 1794) p. 30
George Colman, "Prologue to the new comedy of the East-Indian" in The Lady's Magazine vol. 13, 1782 (p. 383 apud Google Books); George Colman, Prose upon Several Occasions vol. 3 (1787) p. 235
A mixture of these [esculent vegetables], stewed with salted fish or salted meat of any kind, and highly seasoned with Cayenne-pepper, is a favourite olio among the negroes: Bryan Edwards, The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies (Londinii: Stockdale, 1793) vol. 1 p. 255
Powdered with salt, 'tis a portable sauce in little room, and agreeing almost to every dish and pallat, being mix'd with gravy or vinegar: Sloane (1707-1725)vol. 1 p. 240; Salt ground with it makes the universal Indian sauce, call'd by some Cayenbutter: vol. 2 p. 378
"Eine Zusammensetzung aus gleichen Theilen der Tinctura piperis Cayennae und Tinct. capsici annui": Journal der Chirurgie und Augen-heilkunde vol. 1 (1820) (p. 42 apud Google Books); "Eine Gemenge von der Tinctura capsici annui und piperis cayennae": Christoph-Bonifacius Zang, Darstellung blutiger heilkünstlerischer Operationen (1824) (p. 531 apud Google Books)
"Cayenne-Pfeffer od. Chili-Pfeffer: Piper cayennense" (p. 270 apud Google Books).
Christoph Gottlieb von Murr, Reisen einiger Missionarien der Gesellschaft Jesu in Amerika. Norimbergae, 1785 (p. 519 apud Google Books)
Theodoro J. H. Langgaard, Novo formulario medico e pharmaceutico (1868) (p. 537 apud Google Books)
To dress a turtle the West-India way: Hannah Glasse, The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy (5a ed. Londinii, 1755) p. 331; Francis Collingwood, John Woollams, The Universal Cook (Londinii, 1792) p. 179; Schildkröte auf die Westindianische Art zuzubereitet: Fridericus Gotthelf Baumgärtner, interpr., Neues Londner Kochbuch (Lipsiae, 1794) (p. 220 apud Google Books)
Theodisce Cayennepfeffer: Matthias Christian Sprengel, interpres, Auswahl der besten ausländischen geographischen und statistischen Nachrichten vol. 1 (Halis: Renger, 1794) (p. 60)
George Colman, "Prologue to the new comedy of the East-Indian" in The Lady's Magazine vol. 13, 1782 (p. 383 apud Google Books); George Colman, Prose upon Several Occasions vol. 3 (1787) p. 235
conflagrations, murders, and all the other catalogue of hideous crimes, that like Cayenne in cookery, do give a pungency and flavour, to the dull detail of history: Washington Irving, A history of New York ... by Diedrich Knickerbocker, 1809 (p. 90 editionis 1833 apud Google Books)
I have been told that the Batcherees of Galam have their victuals most immoderately seasoned with Cayenne pepper, and I know myself that the opulent people of the Mandinga nation make the same abuse of it. This may, perhaps, be done with a view to its operating as a provocative: for it has a peculiar effect on the seminal vessels, and will produce erections, attended with a dull pain and turgescency in the testicles: J. P. Schotte, "A Description of a Species of Sarcocele ... in a Black Man in the Island of Senegal" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society vol. 73 (1783) p. 93