Bell Labs – Murray Hill (1997 m. lapkričio mėn.). „He Wrote the Book on Atom Trapping“. Lucent Technologies 2002. Suarchyvuotas originalas April 11, 2005. Nuoroda tikrinta August 13, 2013. „Retired Bell Labs scientist Arthur Ashkin discusses his years as a physicist and how he discovered that light could trap atoms -- the discovery that led Steven Chu and two others to the Nobel Prize“
„Arthur Ashkin (biography)“. LaserFest. American Physical Society. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2019-01-05. Nuoroda tikrinta August 13, 2013. "LaserFest – the 50th anniversary of the first laser"
„Arthur Ashkin (biography)“. LaserFest. American Physical Society. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2019-01-05. Nuoroda tikrinta August 13, 2013. "LaserFest – the 50th anniversary of the first laser"
Bell Labs – Murray Hill (1997 m. lapkričio mėn.). „He Wrote the Book on Atom Trapping“. Lucent Technologies 2002. Suarchyvuotas originalas April 11, 2005. Nuoroda tikrinta August 13, 2013. „Retired Bell Labs scientist Arthur Ashkin discusses his years as a physicist and how he discovered that light could trap atoms -- the discovery that led Steven Chu and two others to the Nobel Prize“