Jūriniai paukščiai (Lithuanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jūriniai paukščiai" in Lithuanian language version.

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1st place
1st place
2,007th place
1,668th place
low place
8,000th place
3,870th place
8,952nd place
1,697th place
9,593rd place
low place
low place
2,402nd place
7,480th place
low place
low place
7,976th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
3,304th place
low place
2,434th place
3,057th place
2,179th place
1,155th place
318th place
48th place
low place
low place


  • Thompson, P.M., (2004) «Identifying drivers of change; did fisheries play a role in the spread of North Atlantic fulmars?» in Management of marine ecosystems: monitoring change in upper trophic levels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [13] Archyvuota kopija 2006-08-23 iš Wayback Machine projekto.




  • Collis, K., Adamany, S. – Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Roby, D.D., Craig, D.P., Lyons, D.E., – Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, (2000), «Avian Predation on Juvenile Salmonids in the Lower Columbia River», 1998 Annual Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR,[12] Archyvuota kopija 2006-08-31 iš Wayback Machine projekto.



  • Withers, P.C (1979) «Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the ‘Hovering’ Flight of Wilson’S Storm Petrel» Journal of Experimental Biology 80: 83-91[4]



  • Johansson LC, Lindhe Norberg UM. (2001) «Lift – based paddling in diving grebe.» J Exp Biol. 204(10) :1687-96.[1]




  • Bried, J.L., Pontier, D., Jouventin, P., (2003) «Mate fidelity in monogamous birds: a re – examination of the Procellariiformes» Animal Behaviour 65: 235–246 [7] Archyvuota kopija 2006-11-16 iš Wayback Machine projekto.


  • Food and Agriculture Organisation (1999) "The incidental catch of seabirds by longline fisheries: worldwide review and technical guidelines for mitigation. FAO Fisheries Circular No.937. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. [17] Archyvuota kopija 2006-06-29 iš Wayback Machine projekto.



  • Punta, G, Herrera, G. (1995) «Predation by Southern Giant Petrels Macronectes giganteus on adult Imperial Cormorants Phalacrocorax atriceps» Marine Ornithology 23 166–167 [6]
  • Keitt, B.S., Tershy, B.R. & Croll, D.A (2004). „Nocturnal behavior reduces predation pressure on Black – vented Shearwaters Puffinus opisthomelasMarine Ornithology 32 (3): 173–178.[9]
  • Croxall, J, Steele, W., McInnes, S, Prince, P. (1995)»Breeding Distribution of Snow Petrel Pagodroma nivea" Marine Ornithology 23 69-99 [10]
  • Williams, J.C., Byrd G.V.& Konyukhov, N.B. (2003) «Whiskered Auklets Aethia pygmaea, foxes, humans and how to right a wrong.» Marine Ornithology 31: 175–180 [16]


  • С. И. Корнев. «Проблемы сохранения морских млекопитающих и птиц при рыбном промысле в российских водах северной части Тихого океана» онлайн [14]



  • Lequette, B., Verheyden, C., Jowentin, P. (1989) «Olfaction in Subantarctic seabirds: Its phylogenetic and ecological significance» The Condor 91: 732–135. [3][neveikianti nuoroda]


  • Simeone, A. & Navarro, X. (2002) «Human exploitation of seabirds in coastal southern Chile during the mid-Holocene» Rev. chil. hist. nat 75(2): 423–431 [15]



  • Gregory, J. (1952) «The Jaws of the Cretaceous Toothed Birds, Ichthyornis and Hesperornis» Condor 54(2): 73-88 [2] Archyvuota kopija 2011-06-06 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Au, D.W.K. & Pitman, R.L. (1986) Seabird interactions with Dolphins and Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Condor, 88: 304–317. [5] Archyvuota kopija 2011-11-05 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Rabouam, C., Thibault, J.-C., Bretagnole, V., (1998) „Natal Philopatry and Close Inbreeding in Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea)“ Auk 115(2): 483–486 [8] Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-25 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Au, D.W.K. & Pitman, R.L. (1986) Seabird interactions with Dolphins and Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Condor, 88: 304–317. [11] Archyvuota kopija 2011-11-05 iš Wayback Machine projekto.


  • Gregory, J. (1952) «The Jaws of the Cretaceous Toothed Birds, Ichthyornis and Hesperornis» Condor 54(2): 73-88 [2] Archyvuota kopija 2011-06-06 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Au, D.W.K. & Pitman, R.L. (1986) Seabird interactions with Dolphins and Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Condor, 88: 304–317. [5] Archyvuota kopija 2011-11-05 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Bried, J.L., Pontier, D., Jouventin, P., (2003) «Mate fidelity in monogamous birds: a re – examination of the Procellariiformes» Animal Behaviour 65: 235–246 [7] Archyvuota kopija 2006-11-16 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Rabouam, C., Thibault, J.-C., Bretagnole, V., (1998) „Natal Philopatry and Close Inbreeding in Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea)“ Auk 115(2): 483–486 [8] Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-25 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Au, D.W.K. & Pitman, R.L. (1986) Seabird interactions with Dolphins and Tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Condor, 88: 304–317. [11] Archyvuota kopija 2011-11-05 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Collis, K., Adamany, S. – Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, Roby, D.D., Craig, D.P., Lyons, D.E., – Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, (2000), «Avian Predation on Juvenile Salmonids in the Lower Columbia River», 1998 Annual Report to Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR,[12] Archyvuota kopija 2006-08-31 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • Thompson, P.M., (2004) «Identifying drivers of change; did fisheries play a role in the spread of North Atlantic fulmars?» in Management of marine ecosystems: monitoring change in upper trophic levels. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [13] Archyvuota kopija 2006-08-23 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • BirdLife International/RSPB (2005) Save the Albatross: The Problem Archyvuota kopija 2013-06-23 iš Wayback Machine projekto. Получено 17 марта 2006 г.
  • USFWS Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge History of Pelican Island Archyvuota kopija 2008-05-24 iš Wayback Machine projekto. Nuoroda tikrinta September 2 2006
  • BirdLife International (2005) Stamps celebrate seabird return Archyvuota kopija 2008-09-05 iš Wayback Machine projekto..
  • Food and Agriculture Organisation (1999) "The incidental catch of seabirds by longline fisheries: worldwide review and technical guidelines for mitigation. FAO Fisheries Circular No.937. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. [17] Archyvuota kopija 2006-06-29 iš Wayback Machine projekto.