Acer saccharum subsp. nigrum. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Nuoroda tikrinta 2011-12-10.
Amy Christine Brown (2010 m. birželio mėn.). Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation. Cengage Learning. p. 441. ISBN978-0-538-73498-1. Suarchyvuota iš originalo 2 kovo 2017. „Maple Syrup Colors The flavor and color of maple syrup develop during the boiling of the initially colorless sap. Government standards ... but real maple syrup has a unique flavor and smoothness not duplicated by substitutes. Pure or blended“
Ruth, Robert H; Underwood, J Clyde; Smith, Clark E; Yang, Hoya Y (1972). „Maple sirup production from bigleaf maple“(PDF). PNW-181. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station: 12. Suarchyvuota(PDF) iš originalo 14 birželio 2006.
Randall, Jesse A (2010 m. vasario mėn.). „Maple syrup production; Publication F-337A“(PDF). Iowa State University, Forestry Extension, Ames, IA. Suarchyvuota(PDF) iš originalo 29 rugpjūčio 2017. Nuoroda tikrinta 21 spalio 2016.
„History“. Michigan Maple Syrup Association. Suarchyvuotas originalas 25 May 2011. Nuoroda tikrinta 20 November 2010.
Heiligmann, Randall B; Winch, Fred E (1996). „Chapter 3: The Maple Resource“. In Koelling, Melvin R; Heiligmann, Randall B (eds.). North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual. Ohio State University. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2016-09-24. Nuoroda tikrinta 2016-09-23.
Koelling, Melvin R; Laing, Fred; Taylor, Fred (1996). „Chapter 2: History of Maple Syrup and Sugar Production“. In Koelling, Melvin R; Heiligmann, Randall B (eds.). North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual. Ohio State University (OSU). Suarchyvuotas originalas 2016-09-24. Nuoroda tikrinta 2016-09-23.
Amy Christine Brown (2010 m. birželio mėn.). Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation. Cengage Learning. p. 441. ISBN978-0-538-73498-1. Suarchyvuota iš originalo 2 kovo 2017. „Maple Syrup Colors The flavor and color of maple syrup develop during the boiling of the initially colorless sap. Government standards ... but real maple syrup has a unique flavor and smoothness not duplicated by substitutes. Pure or blended“
Randall, Jesse A (2010 m. vasario mėn.). „Maple syrup production; Publication F-337A“(PDF). Iowa State University, Forestry Extension, Ames, IA. Suarchyvuota(PDF) iš originalo 29 rugpjūčio 2017. Nuoroda tikrinta 21 spalio 2016.
Heiligmann, Randall B; Winch, Fred E (1996). „Chapter 3: The Maple Resource“. In Koelling, Melvin R; Heiligmann, Randall B (eds.). North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual. Ohio State University. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2016-09-24. Nuoroda tikrinta 2016-09-23.
Ruth, Robert H; Underwood, J Clyde; Smith, Clark E; Yang, Hoya Y (1972). „Maple sirup production from bigleaf maple“(PDF). PNW-181. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station: 12. Suarchyvuota(PDF) iš originalo 14 birželio 2006.
„History“. Michigan Maple Syrup Association. Suarchyvuotas originalas 25 May 2011. Nuoroda tikrinta 20 November 2010.
Koelling, Melvin R; Laing, Fred; Taylor, Fred (1996). „Chapter 2: History of Maple Syrup and Sugar Production“. In Koelling, Melvin R; Heiligmann, Randall B (eds.). North American Maple Syrup Producers Manual. Ohio State University (OSU). Suarchyvuotas originalas 2016-09-24. Nuoroda tikrinta 2016-09-23.