Satja Sai Baba (Lithuanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Satja Sai Baba" in Lithuanian language version.

Global rank Lithuanian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
9,279th place
5,858th place
6,424th place
4,829th place
752nd place
30th place
88th place
6th place
14th place
197th place
113th place
8th place
21st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • *Nagel, Alexandra „De Sai Paradox: Tegenstrijdigheden van en rondom Sathya Sai Baba“/„The Sai Paradox contradictions of and surrounding Sathya Sai Baba“ from the magazine "Religieuze Bewegingen in Nederland, 'Sekten' "/"Religious movements in the Netherlands, 'Cults/Sects' ", 1994, nr. 29. published by the Free University Amsterdam press, (1994) ISBN 90-5383-341-2 reports the following estimates: Beyerstein (1992:3) [skeptic]: 6 million; Riti & Theodore (1993:31): 30 million; Sluizer (1993:19): 70 million; Van Dijk (1993:30) [follower] "between 50 and 100 million. "
    *Adherents Archyvuota kopija 2020-01-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. cites Chryssides, George. Exploring New Religions. London, UK: Cassells (1999) (10 million)
    *Brown, Mick (2000-10-28). „Divine Downfall“. Daily Telegraph. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2008-09-25. Nuoroda tikrinta 2007-03-12."The guru Sai Baba has left India only once, yet his devotees across the world are estimated at up to 50 million. "
    *Edwards, Linda (2001). A Brief Guide to Beliefs: Ideas, Theologies, Mysteries, and Movements. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 0664222595. (venerated by hundreds of millions in India and abroad)

  • *Nagel, Alexandra „De Sai Paradox: Tegenstrijdigheden van en rondom Sathya Sai Baba“/„The Sai Paradox contradictions of and surrounding Sathya Sai Baba“ from the magazine "Religieuze Bewegingen in Nederland, 'Sekten' "/"Religious movements in the Netherlands, 'Cults/Sects' ", 1994, nr. 29. published by the Free University Amsterdam press, (1994) ISBN 90-5383-341-2 reports the following estimates: Beyerstein (1992:3) [skeptic]: 6 million; Riti & Theodore (1993:31): 30 million; Sluizer (1993:19): 70 million; Van Dijk (1993:30) [follower] "between 50 and 100 million. "
    *Adherents Archyvuota kopija 2020-01-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. cites Chryssides, George. Exploring New Religions. London, UK: Cassells (1999) (10 million)
    *Brown, Mick (2000-10-28). „Divine Downfall“. Daily Telegraph. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2008-09-25. Nuoroda tikrinta 2007-03-12."The guru Sai Baba has left India only once, yet his devotees across the world are estimated at up to 50 million. "
    *Edwards, Linda (2001). A Brief Guide to Beliefs: Ideas, Theologies, Mysteries, and Movements. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 0664222595. (venerated by hundreds of millions in India and abroad)

  • Satjos Sai Babos interviu „Blitz News“ korespondentui R. K. Karanjia 1976 m. rugsėjį. žr.internete

  • *Nagel, Alexandra „De Sai Paradox: Tegenstrijdigheden van en rondom Sathya Sai Baba“/„The Sai Paradox contradictions of and surrounding Sathya Sai Baba“ from the magazine "Religieuze Bewegingen in Nederland, 'Sekten' "/"Religious movements in the Netherlands, 'Cults/Sects' ", 1994, nr. 29. published by the Free University Amsterdam press, (1994) ISBN 90-5383-341-2 reports the following estimates: Beyerstein (1992:3) [skeptic]: 6 million; Riti & Theodore (1993:31): 30 million; Sluizer (1993:19): 70 million; Van Dijk (1993:30) [follower] "between 50 and 100 million. "
    *Adherents Archyvuota kopija 2020-01-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. cites Chryssides, George. Exploring New Religions. London, UK: Cassells (1999) (10 million)
    *Brown, Mick (2000-10-28). „Divine Downfall“. Daily Telegraph. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2008-09-25. Nuoroda tikrinta 2007-03-12."The guru Sai Baba has left India only once, yet his devotees across the world are estimated at up to 50 million. "
    *Edwards, Linda (2001). A Brief Guide to Beliefs: Ideas, Theologies, Mysteries, and Movements. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 0664222595. (venerated by hundreds of millions in India and abroad)

  • *Nagel, Alexandra „De Sai Paradox: Tegenstrijdigheden van en rondom Sathya Sai Baba“/„The Sai Paradox contradictions of and surrounding Sathya Sai Baba“ from the magazine "Religieuze Bewegingen in Nederland, 'Sekten' "/"Religious movements in the Netherlands, 'Cults/Sects' ", 1994, nr. 29. published by the Free University Amsterdam press, (1994) ISBN 90-5383-341-2 reports the following estimates: Beyerstein (1992:3) [skeptic]: 6 million; Riti & Theodore (1993:31): 30 million; Sluizer (1993:19): 70 million; Van Dijk (1993:30) [follower] "between 50 and 100 million. "
    *Adherents Archyvuota kopija 2020-01-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. cites Chryssides, George. Exploring New Religions. London, UK: Cassells (1999) (10 million)
    *Brown, Mick (2000-10-28). „Divine Downfall“. Daily Telegraph. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2008-09-25. Nuoroda tikrinta 2007-03-12."The guru Sai Baba has left India only once, yet his devotees across the world are estimated at up to 50 million. "
    *Edwards, Linda (2001). A Brief Guide to Beliefs: Ideas, Theologies, Mysteries, and Movements. Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN 0664222595. (venerated by hundreds of millions in India and abroad)
  • [1] Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-11 iš Wayback Machine projekto.
  • The Hindu, „Day of introspection at Puttaparthi“ by Chitra Mahesh, January 4, 2002, žr.internete Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto..
  • Žr: 1 2 Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. 3 Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. 4 Archyvuota kopija 2007-09-27 iš Wayback Machine projekto. 5 Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. 6 Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto. 7 8 9 Archyvuota kopija 2007-10-12 iš Wayback Machine projekto.