Vengrijos revoliucija (1956) (Lithuanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Vengrijos revoliucija (1956)" in Lithuanian language version.

Global rank Lithuanian rank
1st place
1st place
1,588th place
677th place
1,469th place
2,786th place
264th place
125th place

  • „Будапешт 1956“. Maksim Moshkow's Library. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2010-02-09. Nuoroda tikrinta 2023-03-19.

  • Alternate references are „Hungarian Revolt“ and „Hungarian Uprising“; „Revolution“ sed as it conforms to both English (see U.S. Department of State background on Hungary) and Hungarian („forradalom“) conventions. There is a distinction between the „complete overthrow“ of a revolution and an uprising or revolt that may or may not be successful (Oxford English Dictionary). The 1956 Hungarian event, although shortlived, is a true „revolution“ in that the sitting Government was indeed deposed. Unlike „coup d’etat“ or „putsch“ which imply action of a few, the 1956 revolution was effected by the masses.

  • „Будапешт 1956“. Maksim Moshkow's Library. Suarchyvuotas originalas 2010-02-09. Nuoroda tikrinta 2023-03-19.