Population 1971–2010 (pdfArchyvuota kopija 6 sausio 2012 iš Wayback Machine projekto. p. 89) IEA (OECD/ World Bank) (original population ref OECD/ World Bank e.g. in IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2010 p. 57)
Hanafi, Hassan (1998). „The Middle East, in whose world? (Primary Reflections)“. Oslo: Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (The fourth Nordic conference on Middle Eastern Studies: The Middle East in globalizing world Oslo, 13–16 August 1998). Suarchyvuotas originalas 8 October 2006.
Population 1971–2010 (pdfArchyvuota kopija 6 sausio 2012 iš Wayback Machine projekto. p. 89) IEA (OECD/ World Bank) (original population ref OECD/ World Bank e.g. in IEA Key World Energy Statistics 2010 p. 57)
Hanafi, Hassan (1998). „The Middle East, in whose world? (Primary Reflections)“. Oslo: Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (The fourth Nordic conference on Middle Eastern Studies: The Middle East in globalizing world Oslo, 13–16 August 1998). Suarchyvuotas originalas 8 October 2006.