Anjing Malta (Malay Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Anjing Malta" in Malay language version.

Global rank Malay rank
5th place
23rd place
2nd place
8th place
11th place
67th place
26th place
45th place
4th place
14th place
1st place
1st place
6th place
27th place
1,198th place
2,674th place
low place
low place
27th place
148th place
155th place
75th place
1,294th place
3,160th place
7th place
44th place
low place
low place
2,301st place
7,402nd place
441st place
1,002nd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
6,661st place
low place
18th place
46th place
102nd place
419th place

  • Fierheller. Fierheller, Vicki. "Tear Staining" [Bekas Air Mata] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). American Maltese Association. Dicapai pada 22 Januari 2024.

  • "anjing peliharaan kegemaran zaman purba kelihatan merupakan anjing Malta."(Gosling 1935, p. 100) Gosling, W. F. (Februari 1935). "Pets in Classical Times" [Haiwan Peliharaan pada Zaman Klasik]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 4 (11): 109–113. doi:10.1017/S0017383500003144. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 640982. S2CID 162223203.
  • Aelian dalam treatis beliau tentang haiwan (De Natura Animalium, 16:6) membuat perbandingan dengan tenggiling (Busuttil 1969, p. 205). Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • (Gosling 1935, pp. 110–111):

    Issa's more full of sport and wanton play
    Than that pet sparrow by Catullus sung;
    Issa's more pure and cleanly in her way
    Than kisses from the amorous turtle's tongue,
    Issa more winsome is than any girl
    That ever yet entranced a lover's sight;
    Issa's more precious than the Indian pearl
    Issa's my Publius' favourite and delight.
    Her plaintive voice falls sad as one that weeps;
    Her master's cares and woes alike she shares;
    Softly reclined upon his neck she sleeps,
    And scarce to sigh or draw her breath she dares.
    Her, lest the day of fate should nothing leave,
    In pictured form my Publius has portrayed
    Where you so lifelike Issa might perceive.
    That not herself a better likeness made,
    Issa together with her portrait lay,
    Both real or both depicted you would say.

    Gosling, W. F. (Februari 1935). "Pets in Classical Times" [Haiwan Peliharaan pada Zaman Klasik]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 4 (11): 109–113. doi:10.1017/S0017383500003144. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 640982. S2CID 162223203.
  • Moore (2008), m/s. 16. Moore, Mary B. (2008). "The Hegesiboulos Cup" [Cangkir Hegesiboulos]. Metropolitan Museum Journal (dalam bahasa Inggeris). University of Chicago Press. 43: 11–37. doi:10.1086/met.43.25699084. ISSN 2169-3072. JSTOR 25699084. S2CID 192949602.
  • Johnson (1919), m/s. 211. Johnson, Helen Moore (19 Mei 1919). "The Portrayal of the Dog on Greek Vases" [Penggambaran Anjing pada Pasu Yunani]. The Classical Weekly (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Johns Hopkins University Press. 12 (27): 209–213. doi:10.2307/4387846. ISSN 1940-641X. JSTOR 4387846. S2CID 187630110.
  • Busuttil (1969), m/s. 205–208. Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • Ogden (2008), m/s. 197. Ogden, Daniel (2008). In Search of the Sorcerer's Apprentice: The Traditional Tales of Lucian's Lover of Lies [Dalam Pencarian Perantis Sahir: Kisah-kisah Tradisional tentang Kekasih Kebohongan Lucianus] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Swansea, United Kingdom: The Classical Press of Wales. doi:10.2307/j.ctv1n35867. ISBN 9781914535109. OCLC 654493327.
  • Busuttil (1969), m/s. 205. Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • Ogden (2008), m/s. 200. Ogden, Daniel (2008). In Search of the Sorcerer's Apprentice: The Traditional Tales of Lucian's Lover of Lies [Dalam Pencarian Perantis Sahir: Kisah-kisah Tradisional tentang Kekasih Kebohongan Lucianus] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Swansea, United Kingdom: The Classical Press of Wales. doi:10.2307/j.ctv1n35867. ISBN 9781914535109. OCLC 654493327.
  • Vioque (2017), m/s. 410. Vioque, Guillermo Galán (18 September 2017). Martial, Book VII. A Commentary [Martialis, Buku VII. Ulasan] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Diterjemahkan oleh Zoltowsky, J. J. Leiden, Belanda: Brill Publishers. doi:10.1163/9789004350977. ISBN 9789004350977. OCLC 647137193.
  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).
  • Roccaro, Mariana; Salini, Romolo; Pietra, Marco; Sgorbini, Micaela; Gori, Eleonora; Dondi, Maurizio; Crisi, Paolo Emidio; Conte, Annamaria; Dalla Villa, Paolo Felice; Podaliri Vulpiani, Michele; Ciaramella, Paolo; Di Palma, Cristina; Passantino, Annamaria; Porciello, Francesco; Gianella, Paola; Guglielmini, Carlo; Alborali, Giovanni Loris; Rota Nodari, Sara; Sabatelli, Sonia; Peli, Angelo (17 Februari 2024). "Factors related to longevity and mortality of dogs in Italy" [Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kelanjutan usia dan mortaliti anjing di Itali]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Elsevier. 225: 106155. doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106155. hdl:11585/961937. ISSN 1873-1716. PMID 38394961 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267743971 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).

  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).

  • Raymond-Mallock (1907), m/s. 63. Raymond-Mallock, Lillian C. (1907). Toy Dogs [Anjing Mainan] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Battle Creek, Michigan, Amerika Syarikat: Dogdom Publishing Company. Dicapai pada 22 Januari 2024.

  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).
  • Roccaro, Mariana; Salini, Romolo; Pietra, Marco; Sgorbini, Micaela; Gori, Eleonora; Dondi, Maurizio; Crisi, Paolo Emidio; Conte, Annamaria; Dalla Villa, Paolo Felice; Podaliri Vulpiani, Michele; Ciaramella, Paolo; Di Palma, Cristina; Passantino, Annamaria; Porciello, Francesco; Gianella, Paola; Guglielmini, Carlo; Alborali, Giovanni Loris; Rota Nodari, Sara; Sabatelli, Sonia; Peli, Angelo (17 Februari 2024). "Factors related to longevity and mortality of dogs in Italy" [Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kelanjutan usia dan mortaliti anjing di Itali]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Elsevier. 225: 106155. doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106155. hdl:11585/961937. ISSN 1873-1716. PMID 38394961 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267743971 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).

  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).

  • Kho-Pelfrey (2022). Kho-Pelfrey, Teresa (17 Oktober 2022). "Maltese" [Anjing Malta] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). PetMD. Dicapai pada 5 Februari 2024.

  • "anjing peliharaan kegemaran zaman purba kelihatan merupakan anjing Malta."(Gosling 1935, p. 100) Gosling, W. F. (Februari 1935). "Pets in Classical Times" [Haiwan Peliharaan pada Zaman Klasik]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 4 (11): 109–113. doi:10.1017/S0017383500003144. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 640982. S2CID 162223203.
  • Aelian dalam treatis beliau tentang haiwan (De Natura Animalium, 16:6) membuat perbandingan dengan tenggiling (Busuttil 1969, p. 205). Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • (Gosling 1935, pp. 110–111):

    Issa's more full of sport and wanton play
    Than that pet sparrow by Catullus sung;
    Issa's more pure and cleanly in her way
    Than kisses from the amorous turtle's tongue,
    Issa more winsome is than any girl
    That ever yet entranced a lover's sight;
    Issa's more precious than the Indian pearl
    Issa's my Publius' favourite and delight.
    Her plaintive voice falls sad as one that weeps;
    Her master's cares and woes alike she shares;
    Softly reclined upon his neck she sleeps,
    And scarce to sigh or draw her breath she dares.
    Her, lest the day of fate should nothing leave,
    In pictured form my Publius has portrayed
    Where you so lifelike Issa might perceive.
    That not herself a better likeness made,
    Issa together with her portrait lay,
    Both real or both depicted you would say.

    Gosling, W. F. (Februari 1935). "Pets in Classical Times" [Haiwan Peliharaan pada Zaman Klasik]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 4 (11): 109–113. doi:10.1017/S0017383500003144. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 640982. S2CID 162223203.
  • Moore (2008), m/s. 16. Moore, Mary B. (2008). "The Hegesiboulos Cup" [Cangkir Hegesiboulos]. Metropolitan Museum Journal (dalam bahasa Inggeris). University of Chicago Press. 43: 11–37. doi:10.1086/met.43.25699084. ISSN 2169-3072. JSTOR 25699084. S2CID 192949602.
  • Johnson (1919), m/s. 211. Johnson, Helen Moore (19 Mei 1919). "The Portrayal of the Dog on Greek Vases" [Penggambaran Anjing pada Pasu Yunani]. The Classical Weekly (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Johns Hopkins University Press. 12 (27): 209–213. doi:10.2307/4387846. ISSN 1940-641X. JSTOR 4387846. S2CID 187630110.
  • Busuttil (1969), m/s. 205–208. Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • Busuttil (1969), m/s. 205. Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).
  • Roccaro, Mariana; Salini, Romolo; Pietra, Marco; Sgorbini, Micaela; Gori, Eleonora; Dondi, Maurizio; Crisi, Paolo Emidio; Conte, Annamaria; Dalla Villa, Paolo Felice; Podaliri Vulpiani, Michele; Ciaramella, Paolo; Di Palma, Cristina; Passantino, Annamaria; Porciello, Francesco; Gianella, Paola; Guglielmini, Carlo; Alborali, Giovanni Loris; Rota Nodari, Sara; Sabatelli, Sonia; Peli, Angelo (17 Februari 2024). "Factors related to longevity and mortality of dogs in Italy" [Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kelanjutan usia dan mortaliti anjing di Itali]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Elsevier. 225: 106155. doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106155. hdl:11585/961937. ISSN 1873-1716. PMID 38394961 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267743971 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).

  • ἄλλοι δὲ Μελίτην νῆσον Ὀθρωνοῦ πέλας
    πλαγκτοὶ κατοικήσουσιν, ἣν πέριξ κλύδων
    ἔμπλην Παχύνου Σικανὸς προσμάσσεται,
    1030τοῦ Σισυφείου παιδὸς ὀχθηρὰν ἄκραν
    ἐπώνυμόν ποθ᾽ ὑστέρῳ χρόνῳ γράφων
    κλεινόν θ᾽ ἵδρυμα παρθένου Λογγάτιδος,
    Ἕλωρος ἔνθα ψυχρὸν ἐκβάλλει ποτόν,

    (Lykophron 1921, pp. 406–407). Lykophron (1921). Mair, Alexander William (penyunting). Alexandra (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Loeb Classical Library. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 16 Jun 2022. Dicapai pada 22 Januari 2024.

  • ἄλλοι δὲ Μελίτην νῆσον Ὀθρωνοῦ πέλας
    πλαγκτοὶ κατοικήσουσιν, ἣν πέριξ κλύδων
    ἔμπλην Παχύνου Σικανὸς προσμάσσεται,
    1030τοῦ Σισυφείου παιδὸς ὀχθηρὰν ἄκραν
    ἐπώνυμόν ποθ᾽ ὑστέρῳ χρόνῳ γράφων
    κλεινόν θ᾽ ἵδρυμα παρθένου Λογγάτιδος,
    Ἕλωρος ἔνθα ψυχρὸν ἐκβάλλει ποτόν,

    (Lykophron 1921, pp. 406–407). Lykophron (1921). Mair, Alexander William (penyunting). Alexandra (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Loeb Classical Library. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 16 Jun 2022. Dicapai pada 22 Januari 2024.
  • Ganado (2020), m/s. 16–17. Ganado, Albert (24 Mac 2020). "The Maltese dog: a toy for ancient royalty" [Anjing Malta: mainan untuk kerabat diraja purba] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Times of Malta. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 29 November 2022. Dicapai pada 22 Januari 2024.

  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).
  • Roccaro, Mariana; Salini, Romolo; Pietra, Marco; Sgorbini, Micaela; Gori, Eleonora; Dondi, Maurizio; Crisi, Paolo Emidio; Conte, Annamaria; Dalla Villa, Paolo Felice; Podaliri Vulpiani, Michele; Ciaramella, Paolo; Di Palma, Cristina; Passantino, Annamaria; Porciello, Francesco; Gianella, Paola; Guglielmini, Carlo; Alborali, Giovanni Loris; Rota Nodari, Sara; Sabatelli, Sonia; Peli, Angelo (17 Februari 2024). "Factors related to longevity and mortality of dogs in Italy" [Faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan kelanjutan usia dan mortaliti anjing di Itali]. Preventive Veterinary Medicine (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Elsevier. 225: 106155. doi:10.1016/j.prevetmed.2024.106155. hdl:11585/961937. ISSN 1873-1716. PMID 38394961 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267743971 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan).

  • Ὄνος καὶ κυνίδιον 275:Ἔχων τις κύνα Μελιταῖον καὶ ὄνον διετέλει ἀεὶ τῷ κυνὶ προσπαίζων· καὶ δή, εἴ ποτε ἔξω ἐδείπνει, διεκόμιζέ τι αὐτῷ, καὶ προσιόντι καὶ σαίνοντι παρέβαλλεν. Ὁ δὲ ὄνος φθονήσας προσέδραμε καὶ σκιρτῶν ἐλάκτιζεν αὐτόν. Καὶ ὃς ἀγανακτήσας ἐκέλευσε παίοντας αὐτὸν ἀπαγαγεῖν καὶ τῇ φάτνῃ προσδῆσαι (Aesop 1980, pp. 304–305). Aesop (1980). Manganelli, Giorgio; Valla, Elena Ceva (penyunting). Esopo Favole [Dongeng Aesop] (dalam bahasa Itali). Rizzoli Libri. Dicapai pada 22 Januari 2024.[pautan mati]

  • "anjing kecil juga dibela sebagai anjing peliharaan rumah. Yang paling umum antara ini kelihatan seperti haiwan yang menyerupai anjing Malta, haiwan dengan telinga tegak kecil dan bulu panjang."(Trantalidou 2016, p. 107) Trantalidou, Katerina (29 Julai 2016). "Companions from the Oldest Times: Dogs in Ancient Greek Literature, Iconography and Osteological Testimony" [Pendamping dari Zaman Tertua: Anjing dalam Kesusasteraan, Ikonografi, dan Testimoni Osteologi Yunani Purba]. Dalam Snyder, Lynn M.; Moore, Elizabeth A. (penyunting). Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction: Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference [Anjing dan Orang dalam Interaksi Sosial, Kerja, Ekonomi, atau Simbolik: Prosiding Persidangan ICAZ Ke-9] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxbow Books. m/s. 96–120. ISBN 9781785703997. OCLC 954009199.
  • "anjing peliharaan kegemaran zaman purba kelihatan merupakan anjing Malta."(Gosling 1935, p. 100) Gosling, W. F. (Februari 1935). "Pets in Classical Times" [Haiwan Peliharaan pada Zaman Klasik]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 4 (11): 109–113. doi:10.1017/S0017383500003144. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 640982. S2CID 162223203.
  • Aelian dalam treatis beliau tentang haiwan (De Natura Animalium, 16:6) membuat perbandingan dengan tenggiling (Busuttil 1969, p. 205). Busuttil, Joseph-Paul (Oktober 1969). "The Maltese Dog" [Anjing Malta]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 16 (2): 205–208. doi:10.1017/S0017383500017058. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 642850. S2CID 163799376.
  • "Identiti pulau ini yang dipanggil Melite telah banyak dibahaskan, tetapi kedekatan terbukti dengan Tanjung Pachynos, tanjung tinggi selatan di Sicilia, sejelasnya menunjukkan Malta." (Hornblower 2015, p. 375) Hornblower, Simon (11 Ogos 2015). Lykophron: Alexandra: Greek Text, Translation, Commentary, & Introduction [Lykophron: Alexandra: Teks Yunani, Terjemahan, Ulasan, dan Pengenalan] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-1). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199576708. OCLC 915156104.
  • (Gosling 1935, pp. 110–111):

    Issa's more full of sport and wanton play
    Than that pet sparrow by Catullus sung;
    Issa's more pure and cleanly in her way
    Than kisses from the amorous turtle's tongue,
    Issa more winsome is than any girl
    That ever yet entranced a lover's sight;
    Issa's more precious than the Indian pearl
    Issa's my Publius' favourite and delight.
    Her plaintive voice falls sad as one that weeps;
    Her master's cares and woes alike she shares;
    Softly reclined upon his neck she sleeps,
    And scarce to sigh or draw her breath she dares.
    Her, lest the day of fate should nothing leave,
    In pictured form my Publius has portrayed
    Where you so lifelike Issa might perceive.
    That not herself a better likeness made,
    Issa together with her portrait lay,
    Both real or both depicted you would say.

    Gosling, W. F. (Februari 1935). "Pets in Classical Times" [Haiwan Peliharaan pada Zaman Klasik]. Greece & Rome (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Cambridge University Press. 4 (11): 109–113. doi:10.1017/S0017383500003144. ISSN 1477-4550. JSTOR 640982. S2CID 162223203.
  • Cutillo (1986), m/s. 190, 199. Cutillo, Nicholas (1986). The Complete Maltese [Anjing Malta Lengkap] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-1). New York, New York, Amerika Syarikat: Howell Book House. ISBN 9780876052099. OCLC 14167886.
  • MacKinnon & Belanger (2016), m/s. 43. MacKinnon, Michael; Belanger, Kyle (29 Julai 2016). "Sickness and in Health: Care for an Arthritic Maltese Dog from the Roman Cemetery of Yasmina, Carthage, Tunisia" [Semasa Sakit dan Sihat: Penjagaan untuk Anjing Malta Beratritis dari Perkuburan Rom di Yasmina, di Carthago, dan di Tunisia]. Dalam Snyder, Lynn M.; Moore, Elizabeth A. (penyunting). Dogs and People in Social, Working, Economic or Symbolic Interaction: Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference [Anjing dan Orang dalam Interaksi Sosial, Kerja, Ekonomi, atau Simbolik: Prosiding Persidangan ICAZ Ke-9] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxbow Books. m/s. 38–43. ISBN 9781785703997. OCLC 954009199.
  • Coren (2006), m/s. 167. Coren, Stanley (6 Mac 2006). The Intelligence of Dogs: Canine Consciousness and Capabilities [Kecerdasan Anjing: Kesedaran dan Keupayaan Anjing] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. baharu). London, United Kingdom: Pocket Books. ISBN 9781416502876. OCLC 62478745.
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