Tilar J. Mazzeo, The Secret of Chanel No. 5: The Intimate History of the World's most Famous Perfume, New York: Harper, 2010, ISBN978-0-06-179101-7, p. 199: "Carole Bouquet, the 'face' of Chanel No. 5 during the 1980s".
Costanzo Costantini, Le regine del cinema, Rome: Gremese, 1997, ISBN978-88-7742-138-8, p. 39 (Itali): "Carole Bouquet vive ora con Jean-Pierre Rassam, il produttore siriano o libanese che le ha dato sei mesi fa un figlio, Dimitry [Carole Bouquet now lives with Jean-Pierre Rassam, the Lebanese or Syrian producer, who gave her a son, Dimitri, six months ago]."
Catherina Catsaros, Le grand livre des QCM de culture générale volume 2, Paris: l'Etudiant, 2008, ISBN978-2-84624-604-0, p. 15 (Perancis): "Carole Bouquet dont le mari Jean-Pierre Rassam (décédé depuis) [Carole Bouquet, whose husband Jean-Pierre Rassam (since deceased)]".