Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fellatio" in Malay language version.
The situation contained in the phantasy, that a vulture opened the mouth of the child and forcefully belabored it with its tail, corresponds to the idea of fellatio, a sexual act in which the member is placed into the mouth of the woman.
Fellatio (fuh-LAY-shee-oh) is oral stimulation of the penis and scrotum.CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
Kebanyakan orang bersetuju bahawa seseorang mengekalkan keperawanan selagi dia menahan dari melakukan hubungan seksual (faraj). Akan tetapi terdapat konsep 'keperawanan teknikal' [...] Data menunjukkan bahawa 'bahagian remaja yang sangat penting telah mengalami pengalaman seks oral, walaupun mereka tidak mempunyai persetubuhan seksual, dan mungkin memikirkan [...] Kajian lain, terutamanya penyelidikan yang melihat kehilangan keperawanan, melaporkan bahawa 35% daripada dara, yang ditakrifkan sebagai orang yang tidak pernah terlibat dalam persetubuhan faraj, tetap terlibat dalam satu atau lebih bentuk lain aktiviti seks heteroseksual (contohnya, seks oral, seks dubur, atau melancap bersama).CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link)
The social construction of 'sex' as vaginal intercourse affects how other forms of sexual activity are evaluated as sexually satisfying or arousing; in some cases whether an activity is seen as a sexual act at all. For example, unless a woman has been penetrated by a man's penis she is still technically a virgin even if she has had lots of sexual experience.