Stolzenberg, Lisa and Stewart J. D'Alessio (criminal justice professors from Florida International University School of Policy and Management). "Capital punishment, execution publicity and murder in Houston, Texas." (). Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Northwestern University School of Law, January 1, 2004. Volume 94, Issue 2 (Winter), Article 4. Retrieved on May 15, 2015. Posted by Gale Group/Cengage Learning. p. 351-380. Available atJSTOR. Available at Thefreelibrary. CITED: p. 364. "The Houston Chronicle is the newspaper of record for Houston and has the largest circulation of any daily newspaper in the city."
Stolzenberg, Lisa and Stewart J. D'Alessio (criminal justice professors from Florida International University School of Policy and Management). "Capital punishment, execution publicity and murder in Houston, Texas." (). Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Northwestern University School of Law, January 1, 2004. Volume 94, Issue 2 (Winter), Article 4. Retrieved on May 15, 2015. Posted by Gale Group/Cengage Learning. p. 351-380. Available atJSTOR. Available at Thefreelibrary. CITED: p. 364. "The Houston Chronicle is the newspaper of record for Houston and has the largest circulation of any daily newspaper in the city."
Stolzenberg, Lisa and Stewart J. D'Alessio (criminal justice professors from Florida International University School of Policy and Management). "Capital punishment, execution publicity and murder in Houston, Texas." (). Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Northwestern University School of Law, January 1, 2004. Volume 94, Issue 2 (Winter), Article 4. Retrieved on May 15, 2015. Posted by Gale Group/Cengage Learning. p. 351-380. Available atJSTOR. Available at Thefreelibrary. CITED: p. 364. "The Houston Chronicle is the newspaper of record for Houston and has the largest circulation of any daily newspaper in the city."