Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mastif Inggeris" in Malay language version.
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3|pmc=
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3|pmc=
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3|pmc=
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3|pmc=
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3What if you [...] choose to penetrate even among the Britons? O how great your reward, how great your gain beyond any outlays! If you are not bent on looks and deceptive graces (this is the one defect of the British whelps), at any rate when serious work has come, when bravery must be shown, and the impetuous War-god calls in the utmost hazard, then you could not admire the renowned Molossians so much.
These things, accordingly, are exported from the island, as also hides, and slaves, and dogs that are by nature suited to the purposes of the chase; the Celti, however, use both these and the native dogs for the purposes of war too.
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3(1) Roxbury Boy, (2) Millfold Lass, (3) Buzzard Pride (terselamat hanya melalui Brunhilda of Lyme Hall milik Merle, yang sendiri pula terselamat hanya melalui Shanno of Lyme Hall), (4) Gyn of Hammercliffe, (5) Duke of Hellingly, (6) Kathleen of Hellingly, (7) King of Hellingly (terselamat hanya melalui Eric of Altnacraig), (8) Maude of Hellingly, (9) Crusader of Goring (terselamat hanya melalui Blythe of Hampden), (10) Goldhawk Elsie, (11) Broomcourt Nell, (12) Rolanda
value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid=
value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid=
value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3