Mastif Inggeris (Malay Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mastif Inggeris" in Malay language version.

Global rank Malay rank
5th place
23rd place
1st place
1st place
4th place
14th place
230th place
340th place
18th place
46th place
2nd place
8th place
11th place
67th place
1,198th place
2,674th place
7,865th place
7,145th place
1,294th place
3,160th place
2,829th place
7,112th place
983rd place
1,716th place
40th place
60th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,698th place
3,092nd place
550th place
1,261st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
3,436th place
5,430th place
61st place
120th place
73rd place
1,268th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
79th place
193rd place
7th place
44th place
51st place
177th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
117th place
106th place

  • "Henry and Mudge" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). abcteach. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 31 Mei 2008. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • "The Biggest Dog Breed" [Baka Anjing Terbesar] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Big Paws Only. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 25 Julai 2013. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • "Classification of Dogs" [Pengelasan Anjing] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Country Sports and Country Life. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • Presberg, Carole L. (18 Ogos 2010). "JOHANNES CAIUS" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Border Collie Museum. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 30 November 2012. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • "Mastiff Breed Standard" [Piawaian Baka Mastif] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). The Old English Mastiff Club. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 29 Januari 2018. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • Williams, Andie (7 Jun 2018). ""The Sandlot Dog"" ["Anjing The Sandlot"] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Modern Molosser. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • Grattius. "Cynegeticon" [Kynegetikon] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Universiti Chicago. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024. What if you [...] choose to penetrate even among the Britons? O how great your reward, how great your gain beyond any outlays! If you are not bent on looks and deceptive graces (this is the one defect of the British whelps), at any rate when serious work has come, when bravery must be shown, and the impetuous War-god calls in the utmost hazard, then you could not admire the renowned Molossians so much.
  • Strabo. "The Geography of Strabo" [Geografi Strabo] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Universiti Chicago. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024. These things, accordingly, are exported from the island, as also hides, and slaves, and dogs that are by nature suited to the purposes of the chase; the Celti, however, use both these and the native dogs for the purposes of war too.

  • Jenny (16 Mac 2011). "Gastric Torsion in Dogs" [Kilasan Gastrik pada Anjing] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). VetHelpDirect. Dicapai pada 18 Januari 2024.

  • Fogle, Bruce (15 Julai 2013). Dennis-Bryan, Kim (penyunting). The Dog Encyclopedia: The Definitive Visual Guide [Ensiklopedia Anjing: Panduan Visual Muktamad] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Disumbangkan oleh Ann Baggaley dan Katie John. (ed. berilustrasi). New York, New York, Amerika Syarikat: Dorling Kindersley Publishing. ISBN 9781465408440. OCLC 812257274.
  • Leighton, Robert (1907). The New Book of the Dog: A Comprehensive Natural History of British Dogs and Their Foreign Relatives, with Chapters on Law, Breeding, Kennel Management, and Veterinary Treatment [Buku Baharu tentang Anjing: Sejarah Semula Jadi Komprehensif tentang Anjing British dan Kerabat Asingnya, dengan Bab tentang Undang-undang, Pengurusan Kenel, dan Perawatan Veterinar] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). 1. London, United Kingdom: Cassell. ISBN 9781440089428. OCLC 730943622.
  • Bell, Jerold S.; Cavanagh, Kathleen; Tilley, Larry P.; Smith, Francis W. K. (Februari 2012). Veterinary Medical Guide to Dog and Cat Breeds [Panduan Perubatan Veterinar untuk Baka Anjing dan Kucing] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Jackson, Wyoming, Amerika Syarikat: Teton NewMedia. m/s. 309–311. ISBN 9781482241419. OCLC 878262855.
  • Hancock, David (31 Januari 2001). The Mastiffs: The Big Game Hunters: Their History, Development and Future [Mastif: Pemburu Buruan Besar: Sejarah, Perkembangan, dan Masa Hadapannya] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-2). Ducklington, United Kingdom: Charwynne Dog Features. ISBN 9780952780120. OCLC 51569369.
  • Twiti, William (1977). Danielsson, Bror (penyunting). The Art of Hunting: 1327 [Seni Perburuan: 1327] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell. ISBN 9789122000846. OCLC 3514565.
  • Anderson, Dee Dee (1 September 1998). Luther, Luana (penyunting). The Mastiff: Aristocratic Guardian [Mastif: Penjaga Bangsawan] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Wilsonville, Oregon, Amerika Syarikat: Doral Publishing. ISBN 9780944875513. OCLC 40651089.
  • Ford, Edmund Brisco (1977). Butterflies [Kupu-kupu] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-4). St James's Place, London, United Kingdom: HarperCollins. ISBN 9780002193931. OCLC 656084733.
  • Homan, Mike (31 Disember 1999). A Complete History of Fighting Dogs [Sejarah Lengkap Anjing Laga] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). New York, New York, Amerika Syarikat: Howell Book House. m/s. 10. ISBN 9781582451282. OCLC 43438033.
  • Wynn, M. B. (1886). The History of the Mastiff [Sejarah Mastif] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom: William Loxley. OCLC 1944738.
  • Garnier, Arthur Edmund (1900). The Chronicles of the Garniers of Hampshire During Four Centuries, 1530–1900 [Babad Keluarga Garnier dari Hampshire semasa Empat Abad, 1530–1900] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). London, United Kingdom: The Jarrold Group. OCLC 12874151.
  • Baxter, Elizabeth J.; Hoffman, Patricia B. (April 2004). The History and Management of the Mastiff [Sejarah dan Pengurusan Mastif] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-2). Wenatchee, Washington, Amerika Syarikat: Dogwise Publishing. ISBN 9781929242115. OCLC 57497189. (1) Roxbury Boy, (2) Millfold Lass, (3) Buzzard Pride (terselamat hanya melalui Brunhilda of Lyme Hall milik Merle, yang sendiri pula terselamat hanya melalui Shanno of Lyme Hall), (4) Gyn of Hammercliffe, (5) Duke of Hellingly, (6) Kathleen of Hellingly, (7) King of Hellingly (terselamat hanya melalui Eric of Altnacraig), (8) Maude of Hellingly, (9) Crusader of Goring (terselamat hanya melalui Blythe of Hampden), (10) Goldhawk Elsie, (11) Broomcourt Nell, (12) Rolanda
  • Pomeroy, Laura Warlow; Bjørnstad, Ottar Nordal; Holmes, Edward Charles (24 Januari 2008). "The Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics of the Paramyxoviridae" [Dinamik Evolusi dan Epidemiologi bagi Paramyxoviridae]. Journal of Molecular Evolution (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Springer Science+Business Media. 66 (2): 98–106. Bibcode:2008JMolE..66...98P. doi:10.1007/s00239-007-9040-x. ISSN 1432-1432. PMC 3334863. PMID 18217182. S2CID 26117600.
  • Baxter, Elizabeth J.; Hoffman, Patricia B. (April 2004). The History and Management of the Mastiff [Sejarah dan Pengurusan Mastif] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-2). Wenatchee, Washington, Amerika Syarikat: Dogwise Publishing. ISBN 9781929242115. OCLC 57497189.
  • Little, Clarence Cook (1957). The Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs [Pewarisan Warna Lapis Bulu pada Anjing] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). New York, New York, Amerika Syarikat: Howell Book House. OCLC 8581428.
  • Guinness World Records 2000 [Rekod Dunia Guinness 2000] (dalam bahasa Inggeris) (ed. ke-46). Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom: Rekod Dunia Guinness. 27 September 1999. m/s. 106. ISBN 9780851120980. OCLC 973467069.
  • Edwards, Sydenham Teast (1800). Cynographia Britannica (dalam bahasa Inggeris). London, United Kingdom: Charles Whittingham. OCLC 1264829292.
  • McMillan, Kirsten Marie; Bielby, Jon; Williams, Carys Louisa; Upjohn, Melissa Mary; Casey, Rachel Alison; Christley, Robert Matthew (1 Februari 2024). "Longevity of companion dog breeds: those at risk from early death" [Kelanjutan usia baka anjing teman: yang berisiko untuk kematian awal]. Scientific Reports (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Nature Portfolio. 14 (1): 531. Bibcode:2024NatSR..14..531M. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-50458-w. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 10834484 Check |pmc= value (bantuan). PMID 38302530 Check |pmid= value (bantuan). S2CID 267382263 Check |s2cid= value (bantuan). Gambar Rajah 3 dan Jadual Tambahan 3
  • Morrow, Laurie Bogart (9 Oktober 2012). The Giant Book of Dog Names [Buku Gergasi Nama Anjing] (dalam bahasa Inggeris). New York, New York, Amerika Syarikat: Gallery Books. m/s. 228. ISBN 9781451666908. OCLC 779266314.