Mengikut sumber klasik, selepas perjanjian mereka, Chandragupta dan Seleucus bertukar hadiah, seperti ketika Chandragupta menghantar pelbagai jenis afrodisiak kepada Seleucus: "And Theophrastus says that some contrivances are of wondrous efficacy in such matters as to make people more amorous. And Phylarchus confirms him, by reference to some of the presents which Sandrakottus, the king of the Indians, sent to Seleucus; which were to act like charms in producing a wonderful degree of affection, while some, on the contrary, were to banish love" Athenaeus of Naucratis, "The deipnosophists" Book I, bab 32 Ath. Deip. I.32. Disebut dalam McEvilley, p.367