Pokok Miku (Malay Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Pokok Miku" in Malay language version.

Global rank Malay rank
low place
144th place
low place
258th place




  • Phytochemical and Bioactivities of Malaysian Artocarpus lowii King, A. scortechinii King and A. teysmanii Miq.
    Shajarahtunnur Jamil (2006)PhD thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia [1].
  • A new prenylated dihydrochalcone from the leaves of Artocarpus lowii King
    Jamil,Shajarahtunnur and Sirat, Hasnah Mohd and Jantan, Ibrahim and Aimi, Norio and Kitajima, Mariko (2008), Journal of Natural
    Medicines,62(3),pp. 321-324. ISSN 1340-3443 (Print) 1861-0293(Online)[2]