Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Serangan Jepun ke atas Korea (1592–1598)" in Malay language version.
(bantuan) "Korean and Chinese forces were able to hold off the Japanese troops and confine the fighting to the southern provinces."Just as a complete Japanese victory appeared imminent, Admiral Yi entered the war and quickly turned the tide.
(bantuan)"Yi's successes gave Korea complete control of the sea lanes around the peninsula, and the Korean navy was able to intercept most of the supplies and communications between Japan and Korea"都城宮省火。 車駕將出, 都中有姦民, 先入內帑庫, 爭取寶物者。 已而駕出, 亂民大起, 先焚掌隷院、刑曹, 以二局公、私奴婢文籍所在也。 遂大掠宮省、倉庫, 仍放火滅迹。 景福、昌德、昌慶三宮, 一時俱燼。 昌慶宮卽順懷世子嬪欑宮所在也。 歷代寶玩及文武樓、弘文館所藏書籍、春秋館各朝《實錄》、他庫所藏前朝史草、【修《高麗史》時所草。】《承政院日記》, 皆燒盡無遺。 內外倉庫、各署所藏, 竝被盜先焚。 臨海君家、兵曹判書洪汝諄家亦被焚, 以二家常時號多畜財故也。 留都大將斬數人以警衆, 亂民屯聚, 不能禁。
(bantuan) "Korean and Chinese forces were able to hold off the Japanese troops and confine the fighting to the southern provinces."|title=
(bantuan)"Yi's successes gave Korea complete control of the sea lanes around the peninsula, and the Korean navy was able to intercept most of the supplies and communications between Japan and Korea"