Vaksin COVID-19 Akademi Sains Perubatan China (Malay Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Vaksin COVID-19 Akademi Sains Perubatan China" in Malay language version.

Global rank Malay rank
5,225th place
low place
49th place
98th place

  • Ujian klinikal bernombor NCT04412538 bagi "Safety and Immunogenicity Study of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine for Preventing Against COVID-19" di
  • Ujian klinikal bernombor NCT04659239 bagi "The Efficacy, Safety and Immunogenicity Study of Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine for Preventing Against COVID-19" di

  • Liu R, Woo R (9 Jun 2021). "China builds new plant for IMBCAMS COVID-19 vaccine -state media" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Reuters. Dicapai pada 15 Jun 2021.