WorldCat (Malay Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "WorldCat" in Malay language version.

Global rank Malay rank
7,969th place
4,368th place
1,103rd place
771st place
1,391st place
1,403rd place
7th place
44th place

  • 1998 is the date of registry of the domain; see: " WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info – DomainTools". WHOIS. Dicapai pada 2017-01-21. However, the union catalog that became WorldCat was started three decades earlier, and it was already available on the web to subscriber libraries at several years before was a registered domain name; see: " WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info – DomainTools". WHOIS. Dicapai pada 2019-06-26.

  • Margalit Fox (August 2, 2006). "Frederick G. Kilgour, Innovative Librarian, Dies at 92". The New York Times. Dicapai pada 22 Disember 2009. Frederick G. Kilgour, seorang pustakawan yang terkemuka yang menjadikan konsortium perpustakaan-perpustakaan Ohio sebuah koperasi perpustakaan terbesar di dunia pada hampir 50 tahun dahulu lantas membuatkan katalog ribuan perpustakaan di seluruh dunia boleh dicapai dengan segera oleh pelanggan yang menetap di tempat terpencil, telah kematian pada hari Isnin di Bukit Chapel, Karolina Utara. Dia berumur 92.