Kegham Kevonian, Moush - Song: Armenouhi Kevonian. (March 17, 2017). Gearchiveerd op 20 juli 2021. “Armenouhi Kevonain photographed in the attire she would often wear to her concerts. The hat "arakhchi" which she wears is from Moush and traditionally the arakhchi is a man's hat.”
P. A. Andrews And M. Andrews (15 december 1992). CLOTHING xxi. Turkic and Kurdish clothing of Azerbaijan. Encyclopædia Iranica, pp. 836-840. Gearchiveerd op 3 december 2021 "It is the headscarf (kalaḡay, Pers. kalāḡī), made from specially woven silks, that is the most persistent of traditional garments, sometimes worn over a low (6 cm) flat topped skullcap (araqčın), almost covered with gold embroidery, or alternatively a small bonnet (täsäk)."
Net als kasjmier, is het een soort stof gemaakt van fijn geitenhaar: Khachikian, Levon. “Le Registre d’un Marchand Arménien En Perse, En Inde et Au Tibet (1682-1693).” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, vol. 22, no. 2, EHESS, 1967, pp. 231–78, Gearchiveerd op 28 september 2021.
P. A. Andrews And M. Andrews (15 december 1992). CLOTHING xxi. Turkic and Kurdish clothing of Azerbaijan. Encyclopædia Iranica, pp. 836-840. Gearchiveerd op 3 december 2021 "It is the headscarf (kalaḡay, Pers. kalāḡī), made from specially woven silks, that is the most persistent of traditional garments, sometimes worn over a low (6 cm) flat topped skullcap (araqčın), almost covered with gold embroidery, or alternatively a small bonnet (täsäk)."
Net als kasjmier, is het een soort stof gemaakt van fijn geitenhaar: Khachikian, Levon. “Le Registre d’un Marchand Arménien En Perse, En Inde et Au Tibet (1682-1693).” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, vol. 22, no. 2, EHESS, 1967, pp. 231–78, Gearchiveerd op 28 september 2021.
Kegham Kevonian, Moush - Song: Armenouhi Kevonian. (March 17, 2017). Gearchiveerd op 20 juli 2021. “Armenouhi Kevonain photographed in the attire she would often wear to her concerts. The hat "arakhchi" which she wears is from Moush and traditionally the arakhchi is a man's hat.”