KASAHARA Tokushi states "more than 100,000 and close to 200,000, or maybe more", referring to his own book Nankin jiken Iwanami shinsho (FUJIWARA Akira (editor) Nankin jiken o dou miruka 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98016-2, p. 18). This estimation includes the surrounding area outside of the city of Nanking, which is objected by a Chinese researcher (the same book, p. 146). HORA Tomio concludes "more than 200,000" in his book (Nankin jiken o dou miruka p. 123, YOSHIDA Hiroshi Tennou no guntai to Nankin jiken 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98019-7, p. 160). HORA Tomio writes 50,000 – 100,000 (TANAKA Masaaki What Really Happened in Nanking 2000 Sekai Shuppan, Inc. https://www.sdh-fact.com/ISBN 4-916079-07-8, p. 5). Gearchiveerd op 4 juni 2023.
KASAHARA Tokushi states "more than 100,000 and close to 200,000, or maybe more", referring to his own book Nankin jiken Iwanami shinsho (FUJIWARA Akira (editor) Nankin jiken o dou miruka 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98016-2, p. 18). This estimation includes the surrounding area outside of the city of Nanking, which is objected by a Chinese researcher (the same book, p. 146). HORA Tomio concludes "more than 200,000" in his book (Nankin jiken o dou miruka p. 123, YOSHIDA Hiroshi Tennou no guntai to Nankin jiken 1998 Aoki shoten, ISBN 4-250-98019-7, p. 160). HORA Tomio writes 50,000 – 100,000 (TANAKA Masaaki What Really Happened in Nanking 2000 Sekai Shuppan, Inc. https://www.sdh-fact.com/ISBN 4-916079-07-8, p. 5). Gearchiveerd op 4 juni 2023.
Zie artikel in de Engelse Wikipedia. Misschien is zo'n "wedstrijd" nooit gehouden, maar het gerucht over deze "wedstrijd" wordt als indicatie van bepaalde tendensen in het Japanse Keizerlijke Leger beschouwd en was ook van invloed op deze tendensen.