(en) Smallest camera plane. Guinness World Records Limited. Gearchiveerd op 25 november 2020. Geraadpleegd op 12 juni 2022. “In July 2008 researchers at the University of Delft, Netherlands, unveiled the DelFly Micro”
(en) History of the DelFly project. Micro Air Vehicles Laboratory / Delft University of Technology. Gearchiveerd op 22 juni 2020. Geraadpleegd op 12 juni 2022. “In 2005 a group of 11 students completed their Bachelor studies by making a first design for the DelFly.”
(en) Smallest camera plane. Guinness World Records Limited. Gearchiveerd op 25 november 2020. Geraadpleegd op 12 juni 2022. “In July 2008 researchers at the University of Delft, Netherlands, unveiled the DelFly Micro”
Gearchiveerde kopie. Gearchiveerd op 1 december 2016. Geraadpleegd op 30 november 2016.
(en) Cyber Zoo. TU Delft (10 maart 2014). Gearchiveerd op 1 december 2016. “The Cyber Zoo, the new TU lab in the aircraft hangar at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, is a ten by ten-metre space in which swarm robots have all the room they need to interact. Obstacles in the form of Martian craters create challenges for the crawling robots, and a seven-metre high net prevents flying robots from escaping”