(en) Fournier JC, DeRubeis RJ, Hollon SD, et al. Antidepressant drug effects and depression severity: a patient-level meta-analysis. (2010) JAMA 303:47-53. PMID20051569. De auteurs waren in hun conclusie nogal duidelijk. Ze stelden dat de effectiviteit minimaal tot niet aanwezig is bij patiënten met een matige tot milde depressie: The magnitude of benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo increases with severity of depression symptoms and may be minimal or nonexistent, on average, in patients with mild or moderate symptoms. For patients with very severe depression, the benefit of medications over placebo is substantial.
McCall WV, Prudic J, Olfson M, Sackeim H (February 2006). Health-related quality of life following ECT in a large community sample. J Affect Disord90 (2-3): 269–74. PMID16412519. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2005.12.002.
Psychiatric disorders among Egyptian pesticide applicators and formulators.By Amr MM, Halim ZS, Moussa SS. In Environ Res. 1997;73(1-2):193-9. Link op PubMed. Gearchiveerd op 8 juni 2019.
Depression and pesticide exposures among private pesticide applicators enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study. By Beseler CL, Stallones L, Hoppin JA, Alavanja MC, Blair A, Keefe T, Kamel F. In: Environ Health Perspect. 2008 Dec; 116(12):1713-9.Link op PubMed. Gearchiveerd op 7 juni 2019.
(en) Fournier JC, DeRubeis RJ, Hollon SD, et al. Antidepressant drug effects and depression severity: a patient-level meta-analysis. (2010) JAMA 303:47-53. PMID20051569. De auteurs waren in hun conclusie nogal duidelijk. Ze stelden dat de effectiviteit minimaal tot niet aanwezig is bij patiënten met een matige tot milde depressie: The magnitude of benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo increases with severity of depression symptoms and may be minimal or nonexistent, on average, in patients with mild or moderate symptoms. For patients with very severe depression, the benefit of medications over placebo is substantial.
McCall WV, Prudic J, Olfson M, Sackeim H (February 2006). Health-related quality of life following ECT in a large community sample. J Affect Disord90 (2-3): 269–74. PMID16412519. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2005.12.002.
Nieuwenhuijsen K, Verbeek JH, Neumeyer-Gromen A, Verhoeven AC, Bültmann U, Faber B. Interventions to improve return to work in depressed people. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Oct 13;10:CD006237. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006237.pub4. PMID33052607.
Psychiatric disorders among Egyptian pesticide applicators and formulators.By Amr MM, Halim ZS, Moussa SS. In Environ Res. 1997;73(1-2):193-9. Link op PubMed. Gearchiveerd op 8 juni 2019.
Depression and pesticide exposures among private pesticide applicators enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study. By Beseler CL, Stallones L, Hoppin JA, Alavanja MC, Blair A, Keefe T, Kamel F. In: Environ Health Perspect. 2008 Dec; 116(12):1713-9.Link op PubMed. Gearchiveerd op 7 juni 2019.