Eduard II van Engeland (Dutch Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Eduard II van Engeland" in Dutch language version.

Global rank Dutch rank
1,422nd place
37th place
6th place
25th place

  • Annales de Wigornia, p. 529, A. Molinier & E. Molinier (edd.),Chronique normande du XIV siècle, Parijs, 1882, p. 1.

  • Kronijk van Arent toe Bocop (Codex Diplomaticus Neerlandicus, Second Series), V, Utrecht, 1860, p. 192
  • W. Goodall (ed.), Joannis de Fordun Scotichronicon cum Supplementis et Continuatione Walteri Boweri, II, Edinburgh, 1759, p. 291 (Lib. XIII, Cap. XIV)
  • S. Luce (ed.), Chroniques de J. Froissart, Parijs, 1869, Tome I, Livre 1, 8, pp. 20-21