(en) Holzwarth, Larry, 10 Horrifying Examples of People Subjected to Lobotomies and their Tragic Results. History Collection (28 februari 2018). “In 1950 Eva was diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer.^ As she fought the illness (she was the first to undergo chemotherapy in Argentina) she grew weaker but more outspoken in her radical political positions.”
^ THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; From the Life of Evita, a New Chapter on Medical Secrecywww.NYtimes.com Health 2000-06-06
— Dr. Pack examined an anesthetized Eva to confirm the cervical cancer that Argentine doctors had detected. The deceit was to keep the cancer secret from Eva and
Science 13 jun 2000 — The Doctor's World column stated that Eva Peron had cervical cancer, the same disease that killed Juan Peron's first wife.