EIM Position Paper on ERTMS/FRMCS Migration Strategy. European rail infrastructure managers (EIM) (18 july 2019). Gearchiveerd op 10 april 2021. “The railway community is since 2015 working on the standardisation of FRMCS. (...) The Control Command System Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI CCS) will incorporate FRMCS as the successor of GSM-R as the radio system to be used for train-to-track voice communications and for ETCS data communication, also supporting new railway functionalities such as ATO.( ...) The objective is to update the TSI in 2022 with a full description of the standard.”
(en) Les Giles, The future of GSM-R?. RailEngineer jaargang 133 (november 2015). Gearchiveerd op 10 april 2021. Geraadpleegd op 10 april 2022. “"The good news for the railway industry is that the GSM-R Industry Group has agreed to support GSM-R systems until 2030, but of course this doesn’t mean that changes will not take place before then."”
EIM Position Paper on ERTMS/FRMCS Migration Strategy. European rail infrastructure managers (EIM) (18 july 2019). Gearchiveerd op 10 april 2021. “The railway community is since 2015 working on the standardisation of FRMCS. (...) The Control Command System Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI CCS) will incorporate FRMCS as the successor of GSM-R as the radio system to be used for train-to-track voice communications and for ETCS data communication, also supporting new railway functionalities such as ATO.( ...) The objective is to update the TSI in 2022 with a full description of the standard.”
(en) Les Giles, The future of GSM-R?. RailEngineer jaargang 133 (november 2015). Gearchiveerd op 10 april 2021. Geraadpleegd op 10 april 2022. “"The good news for the railway industry is that the GSM-R Industry Group has agreed to support GSM-R systems until 2030, but of course this doesn’t mean that changes will not take place before then."”