Hitchens, Christopher (2011). God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Atlantic Books, London, "Religion Kills", 22–24. ISBN 9780857897152. Geraadpleegd op 28 mei 2022 "In effect, the extremist Catholic and Orthodox forces were colluding in a bloody partition and cleansing of Bosnia–Herzegovina. They were, and still are, largely spared the public shame of this, because the world's media preferred the simplification of "Croat" and "Serb", and only mentioned religion when discussing "the Muslims." But the triad of terms "Croat," "Serb," and "Muslim" is unequal and misleading, in that it equates two nationalities and one religion. (The same blunder is made in a different way in coverage of Iraq, with the "Sunni-Shia-Kurd" trilateral.)"
John S. Morrill, Jacobite. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (7 februari 2018). Gearchiveerd op 14 juni 2018. Geraadpleegd op 14 juni 2018.
Agnes Lewe, [1]Invoer Te Lande Verboden: Een Verkenning Van de Handel Over Landwegen Tussen Nederland En de Pruisische Provincies Rheinland En Westfalen, 1836-1857 (1995) 27. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.
John S. Morrill, Jacobite. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. (7 februari 2018). Gearchiveerd op 14 juni 2018. Geraadpleegd op 14 juni 2018.