(en) Originele tekst in ICTY (TC) 14 januari 2000, IT-95-16-T Kupreškić, para. 591: Indeed, any time the Statute does not regulate a specific matter, and the Report of the Secretary-General does not prove to be of any assistance in the interpretation of the Statute, it falls to the International Tribunal to draw upon (i) rules of customary international law or (ii) general principles of international criminal law; or, lacking such principles, (iii) general principles of criminal law common to the major legal systems of the world; or, lacking such principles, (iv) general principles of law consonant with the basic requirements of international justice. Gearchiveerd op 8 juni 2023.
(en) Originele tekst in ICTY (TC) 10 december 1998, IT-95-17/1-T Furundžija, para. 178: reference should not be made to one national legal system only, say that of common-law or that of civil-law States. Rather, international courts must draw upon the general concepts and legal institutions common to all the major legal systems of the world. Gearchiveerd op 8 juni 2023.
(en) Originele tekst in ICTY (TC) 14 januari 2000, IT-95-16-T Kupreškić, para. 591: Indeed, any time the Statute does not regulate a specific matter, and the Report of the Secretary-General does not prove to be of any assistance in the interpretation of the Statute, it falls to the International Tribunal to draw upon (i) rules of customary international law or (ii) general principles of international criminal law; or, lacking such principles, (iii) general principles of criminal law common to the major legal systems of the world; or, lacking such principles, (iv) general principles of law consonant with the basic requirements of international justice. Gearchiveerd op 8 juni 2023.
(en) Originele tekst in ICTY (TC) 10 december 1998, IT-95-17/1-T Furundžija, para. 178: reference should not be made to one national legal system only, say that of common-law or that of civil-law States. Rather, international courts must draw upon the general concepts and legal institutions common to all the major legal systems of the world. Gearchiveerd op 8 juni 2023.