(en) Fauquet CM, Fargette D (2005). International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses and the 3,142 unassigned species. Virol. J.2: 64. PMID16105179. DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-64.
(en) Virus Taxonomy: 2019 Release. talk.ictvonline.org. International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Gearchiveerd op 3 januari 2020. Geraadpleegd op 17-01-2020.
(en) Fauquet CM, Fargette D (2005). International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses and the 3,142 unassigned species. Virol. J.2: 64. PMID16105179. DOI: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-64.
(en) Virus Taxonomy: 2019 Release. talk.ictvonline.org. International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Gearchiveerd op 3 januari 2020. Geraadpleegd op 17-01-2020.