Israel Biological. Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), update juli 2015. 23 maart 2019 gearchiveerd
"According to Avner Cohen, Ben-Gurion's written request that Avriel seek out and recruit East European Jewish scientists who could "either increase the capacity to kill masses or to cure masses; both things are important," indicated a search for BW experts."
Israel says El Al crash chemical 'non-toxic'. BBC, 2 okt 1998. Gearchiveerd. "Correspondents say that the activities of the Ness Ziona institute, which was to receive the chemical, are classified. But it is believed to be a facility for the manufacturing of chemical and biological weapons and antidotes for such arms.
Ephraim Katzir. Israel MFA, 4 mei 1999.
"Later, Katzir became deeply involved in the Israel Army's Science Corps, Hemed, founded at the start of the 1948 War of Independence, and for a time commanded it as a lieutenant colonel."
Israeli Research Center to Announce It Developed Coronavirus Vaccine, Sources Say. Haaretz, 18 maart 2020 (premium).
"The Institute for Biological Research [...] was established in 1952 as part of the Israel Defense Forces' Science Corps, and later became a civilian organization. It is technically under the supervision of the Prime Minister's Office, but is in close communication with the Defense Ministry.". Gearchiveerd op 1 mei 2022.
Israel's Secret Poisonings in 1948. Yossi Melman, Haaretz, 6 okt 2022.
"It is widely assumed and reported that the various poisoning materials used by the Mossad for the already published cases, and few more which have remained secret, were manufactured at the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Nes Ziona,"
"The capabilities, scientific achievements and international reputation of IIBR are a result of decades of research and development (R&D) aimed at defense from chemical and biological threats." About the institution (aug 2022 bekeken). Gearchiveerd op 8 april 2023.
Protecting Israel from Chemical & Biological Terrorism. IsraelDefense, 12 jan 2017.
"Statutorily, it constitutes an "Independent Jurisdiction Unit" within the Prime Minister's Office. That means that the bulk of its activity is financed by the state budget, but it also generates revenue from technology and services it sells to various organizations ...". Gearchiveerd op 12 september 2022.
Israel Biological. Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), update juli 2015. 23 maart 2019 gearchiveerd
"According to Avner Cohen, Ben-Gurion's written request that Avriel seek out and recruit East European Jewish scientists who could "either increase the capacity to kill masses or to cure masses; both things are important," indicated a search for BW experts."
"The capabilities, scientific achievements and international reputation of IIBR are a result of decades of research and development (R&D) aimed at defense from chemical and biological threats." About the institution (aug 2022 bekeken). Gearchiveerd op 8 april 2023.
Israeli Research Center to Announce It Developed Coronavirus Vaccine, Sources Say. Haaretz, 18 maart 2020 (premium).
"The Institute for Biological Research [...] was established in 1952 as part of the Israel Defense Forces' Science Corps, and later became a civilian organization. It is technically under the supervision of the Prime Minister's Office, but is in close communication with the Defense Ministry.". Gearchiveerd op 1 mei 2022.
Israel Institute for Biological Research IIBR (aug 2010 gearchiveerd)
"IIBR is under the jurisdiction of the Israel Prime Minister's Office and works in close cooperation with a host of government agencies including the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science and Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of the Environment."
Protecting Israel from Chemical & Biological Terrorism. IsraelDefense, 12 jan 2017.
"Statutorily, it constitutes an "Independent Jurisdiction Unit" within the Prime Minister's Office. That means that the bulk of its activity is financed by the state budget, but it also generates revenue from technology and services it sells to various organizations ...". Gearchiveerd op 12 september 2022.
Faculty of Chemistry – History. Weizmann Instituut (aug 2022 bekeken).
"The war of Independence started in 1947 and significant effort was directed to the nascent country’s military needs. The scientific branch of the Israel Defense Force, HEMED, used the Sieff Institute’s chemistry facilities, and many of the members of the unit concurrently conducted their research at the Sieff Institute.". Gearchiveerd op 21 juli 2023.
Israel and WMD: Incentives and Capabilities, p. 7 + 31-40. FOI – Swedish Defence Research Agency, dec 2005 (ISSN 1650-1942)
(de intro waarschuwt voor een zekere pro-Israël bias a.g.v. eenzijdig bronnen-gebruik in dit document)
Israel says El Al crash chemical 'non-toxic'. BBC, 2 okt 1998. Gearchiveerd. "Correspondents say that the activities of the Ness Ziona institute, which was to receive the chemical, are classified. But it is believed to be a facility for the manufacturing of chemical and biological weapons and antidotes for such arms.
Chemical Overview. Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), sep 2005 (archiefpagina)
Israel – Overview, Chemical. NTI, update mei 2015 (gearchiveerd).
"Israel has conducted significant research on the offensive and defensive aspects of chemical weapons at the Israeli Center for Biological Research (IIBR). … However, Jane's concludes that, given its sophisticated chemical industry, Israel could develop an offensive chemical weapons program within several months."
Faculty of Chemistry – History. Weizmann Instituut (aug 2022 bekeken).
"The war of Independence started in 1947 and significant effort was directed to the nascent country’s military needs. The scientific branch of the Israel Defense Force, HEMED, used the Sieff Institute’s chemistry facilities, and many of the members of the unit concurrently conducted their research at the Sieff Institute.". Gearchiveerd op 21 juli 2023.